
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Wreckwear (9)


New Stuff

Well, we haven't done one of these in a while, but 'tis the season and all that, yes?

First up, Eric of Your Status is Annoying designed this fabulous Wreckporter badge:

Official Wreckporter Badge shirt

Which looks oh-so-cute on this ringer tee:

Next, we had a few of you submit Poo-dolph designs, but we went with Jennifer's of EyeAmCre8ive 'cuz I like the word art:

Click on the pics to see the designs in Zazzle, where you can also change the shirt styles, colors, etc. Heck, you can even buy one there - how crazy is that?

And finally, I guess it's high time I officially announce that we added a Stuff page, where you can get yourself one of these babies:

Only a few left, so act fast if you want one before Christmas. (We're working to make another batch, but these things take forever! Plus the babies are back-ordered. Grr.)

UPDATE: Sorry, guys, the jockeys are sold out right now. I'll let you know when we have a fresh batch made up - which will hopefully be in a few days.

Or a personalized bookplate for your copy of Cake Wrecks:

The necklaces are $15 and the plates are $5, shipping included in the U.S. (International, add $1.) Go to the Stuff page if you'd like to order.


"World" Tour Final Countdown

To commemorate the upcoming book tour (only one week away!) John and I convinced our good friend Ray Lau to design us a nifty little logo. Check it out:

Fun, huh? Or creepy/cute, depending on how you look at it. Be sure to check out Ray's site if you're in the market for a graphic designer.

Since a few of you Tweeting Twits asked for it, I've made the logo available on a shirt (both for men and for women) and also a cute little tote on Zazzle for only $10.55. What's more, Zazzle is running a sale this week, so use the code "PIRATEDAYTEE" and you'll get $3 off every t-shirt you order. What a deal, right?

This will probably be my last tour-related update, so here are just a few tips for those of you planning to come see us.

1) If you haven't already, please RSVP - even if it's a "maybe." We want to make sure we have enough cake, books, and room for everyone. To RSVP, click on your city name in the sidebar on the right

2) If you're planning on buying a book at the store, or if you have a cupcake entry, please try to get there early. We have LOTS of fun stuff to pack into a short amount of time, not the least of which is my signing all of your books, so we don't want you to miss anything.

3) Make sure your cupcake is on a small plate or board of some kind, and that it has your name on it. Those of you who actually write "Your Name" on it will get laughs, but no credit. ;) That matters, because the top three cupcakes will win fabulous prizes. Fabulous, I say!

Oh, and I nearly forgot: I just learned that we still need bakeries to provide the cake in San Francisco and in Dallas. If you're a professional baker in one of those cities, and you'd like to show off your skills and get a little free advertising at the same time, please e-mail me!

And that's it! I can't tell you how excited I am to meet so many of you soon. Come ready to party! Those of you in NY and Bethesda will have the added honor of meeting my Wrecksistant, Anne-Marie, who also happens to be John's sister. Believe me, this is gonna be good.