Shirking my Shirtly Duties

I know, I know: it's been forever since I posted a new shirt design. And obviously you all are just wasting away from a lack of proper Wreckwear selection. Sorry. I've been writing Cake Wrecks the book, and with a mid-April deadline it's all I can do to keep the daily posts coming some days. (Excuses, excuses...)
Well anyway, here's a quickie for ya. After the surprising popularity of the Sailor Blobs yesterday, I whipped up this little number:
Which I think is pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. It also looks great on a white t-shirt, which you can see here, or on yellow or lime*.
I posted the design here and not the shirt view because the text is hard to see clearly over on Zazzle. Check the store for other goodies, and let me know if you'd like to see something there that isn't.
And as always, if you have a Cake Wrecks shirt design you want me to feature, e-mail it to me! If I use it, I'll link to your store or site both on Zazzle and here on the blog.
Thanks, all! Wreck on!
*As with everything on Zazzle, you can change the shirt's color and style by clicking "select a different shirt style" in the upper right-hand corner of the product page.
Reader Comments (41)
I was just thinking I needed a new shirt!!
Does the shirt come with blow up Popeye muscles in the arms?
I want a "Push Connie Push" cake, black-out bars and all! Nothing says epic cakewreck like one with a woman giving birth, and some cakes just have to be seen (via a t-shirt) to be believed!! Please, please, please!!!
Thanks, but I like my shirts to be funny and/or interesting.
Anonymous: I like to read comments that are funny and/or interesting. Thbbbt!
Just waiting for the hoodies...
I would like to request naked lady in the tub giving birth on a shirt...LOL
so excited about your book!
tina :)
Disney's new movie coming out has blobs that look like these guys. I can't remember what the title is...something about aliens!
Little green Barneys. Hee.
P.S. I think these are funny and/or interesting.
Angie (from over at
The first anonymous is being kind of mean! I think it's cute!
Pretty brave, there, "Anonymous"! You are clearly an internet bad-ass.
I second the "Push Connie Push" suggestion!
These guys remind me of Spongmonkeys. (Does anyone else remember that Quiznos commercial?) They don't make me want to eat sandwiches or cake... Maybe that's a good thing.
I agree with Steph, I second the hoodie idea.
Oh, and maybe pajama pants with little sailor blobs all over them. (Just a thought)
Yes, I have to say when I first saw those guys: they look like the blob guy from the new movie "Monsters vs Aliens"
well, sort of...
I know you think these things that you call blobs popping up is odd, well not if you have a clue that they are characters from the new pixar movie coming out soon called monsters vs aliens, that fact makes these things a lot less odd and funny and now just a kids cartoon character.
DO NOT Get me wrong I love the blog but really?
You know what these remind me of? My friends' chins. Observe:
Seriously, am I not the only one that sees it?
Yeah baby! :D
ovarini: This shirt is so cool, it makes my ovarinis ache....
D-D-DID you say, "CAKE WRECKS...........the BOOK"????
When? Where? Speak to me!!
How much? (NOT that I'm CHEAP or anything, but what with the eGONEomy and all...)
Aw, damn the torpedos--I'm a-gonna git me that book!
Woo-dee-hoo-hoo HOO!!!
Love the photo and the caption just makes my day. :D
Yay...CakeWrecks the Book!!! CanNOT wait!!! It'll be absolutely the BEST!!!
I would very much like a pink 'I want sprinkles' apron. Pretty please with 'sprinkles' on top?!!!
Yeah, I agree. Anon SUCKS! Cakewrecks ROCKS! :)
I nominate the "I Quit" cake for a t-shirt. Possibly with a cartoon raging worker shoving it into the viewer's face...
I am still snorting about it at inappropriate moments.
it would be really great if the whole popped-eyed "song" were written in the back in green, in a "I want sprinkles" font type.
I think these blobs are from the new Monsters vs. Aliens movie. I saw a preview and one of the main characters is this blobby thing. But it only has 1 eye...
Ok, I have to chime in here: guys, the blobbies are NOT Bob from Monsters Vs Aliens; they are called 'frogs' and evidently are a traditional dessert in South Australia. Just wiki them for more info.
Bob is blue. Bob has one eye. Bob is in no way associated with St. Patrick's Day, which is when these things started taking over the bakery departments. The only similarity between the two is that both Bob and the frogs are, in fact, quite blobby.
So to the latest of the dozens of 'Anony's telling me I should "have a clue" - really, I do. Honest. IT'S NOT BOB.
And now that I have that off my chest, I can move on with my life. [bows & exits stage right]
*applauds Jen* Yeesh, it was annoying enough having people insist it was Bob or whatever on the original post after it was established that they're frog cakes, but to do it on the t-shirt post too? *shakes head*
Jen, you're fantastic.
And I, too, love the Blobby-Blob-Not-Bob's...
Now, I must go wiki Bob the Blob...
Thanks for the suggestions, all! Blackwood, I added another design with the song/poem on the back - you can see it" REL="nofollow">here.
I'll add an "I want sprinkles" apron soon, too. Keep an eye on the sidebar: I'll post the pic there when I do.
Thanks again!
Oooh a cake wrecks book! Put me down for one!
It's just Slimer from Ghostbusters, right? I'm guessing you just couldn't use a copyrighted name, so you had to come up with what you're calling them
to WCP who said this is Slimer:
alrighty then (shakes her head)
And no, I'm not the anon. from earlier.
*dances in her chair*
When my husband first saw this, he ended up singing the Popeye song, complete with cake wrecks lyrics, all day long in his head, much to his distress. If I had this t-shirt, I definitely could get some good old wife/husband torture going! Bwahahhahah...
I was in a bakery on Friday and happened to see frog-like things like that. They were labelled "Gems."
I definitely thought of those singing meat chunks from the Quizno's commercial when I first saw this post. Good to see I'm not the only one!
so when do the NMBCJ shirts come out???
I think a Redneck T-shirt would be great. I can see it now. "You know you're a redneck have a cake like this at your wedding." [insert horribly, wrecky redneck cake here].
Another great one would be the Shotgun Wedding cake. =)
Can't wait for the book either!
EXACTLY, Yvonne!
Spongemonkeys RULE!
very funny.The Society to Save Endangered Species was formed by Fred Smilek and two of his colleagues; Charlie Mack & Jonathan Korny. Fred Smilek stays active in raising awareness for this cause. []
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So main thing. Very good.
Useful to interesting.
Now for the segue.