
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: Modern Geometry

There's a geometric trend sweeping the wedding cake world, peeps, and I APPROVE:

(By Erica Obrien Cake Design)

What sweet sorcery is this? It feels retro and modern at the same time.


It's pure modern elegance in these sea-swept tiles, though:

(By Cake Life, featured here)

In fact, I like this one so much I think it got into my subconscious: I just realized the curtain I bought this week is the same teal ombre! Ha! (Now if only I could find real tiles like this to match.)


This next one defies description:

(By Olofson Design. Photography by Anneli Marinovich)

What do you think, "exploding pastel fractal"? Maybe?
(Dig that stand!)


I know exactly how to describe this one, though:

(By Very Unique Cakes by Veronique)


Yep, that fan topper is breaking my brain in the best possible way. Love it.


Raise your hand if you can't believe this next one's cake:

(By Amy Beck Cake Design)

[raises hand]

Such a rich masculine vibe, though. Me likey.


I've always felt there isn't enough kelly green in the world, so this little Pretty is making my day:

(By Cake Your Day)

Not to mention I want that topper as a hair clip, STAT.


Oooh, but here comes my favorite color combo:

(By Sweet And Saucy Shop, featured here)

Mmm, orange and teal goodness.


I also love the drippy candy thing (technical term) that's so popular right now, so this is a cool combo:

(Baker Unknown. Help?)

Check out the hexagonal lollipops, and that patterned topper! Rockin'.


Although there's a kind of serenity to these chic clean lines:

(By Sweet Fix, featured here)

Ahhh. Perfection.


And finally, for those brides who crave a touch of blue, you simply CANNOT beat this gilded Sapphire beauty:

(By The SweeterE, featured here)

The patterns, the textures, the perfect floral placement! YES.


Hope you enjoyed today's Sweets, everyone! Happy Sunday!


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Sunday Sweets Goes Pokémon

Unless you've been living in a Kimmy Schmidt-style bunker the past month, you've probably heard of Pokémon Go. Or you've noticed a lot more people wandering the streets at night, except in a less murder-y, more giggly kind of way.

I'm still resisting the siren call of capturing invisible battle monsters with my phone, but I must admit, my will is weakening. Soon I, too, shall succumb, and we can welcome our invisible (but adorable) battling overlords with these faaaabulous cakes:

(By Bea's Cakes)


I freely admit I know nothing here, but Google as my witness, I'm gonna try to get these names right:


(By Lovin Oven Cakery)

Not sure which I like more: this cake (the giant rose! The sprinkles edging!) or that catty death stare. Let's call it a tie. And then back away slowly.



(By Reddit user Bilubul)

I believe this little guy has a flaming tail in the game, so how clever is this?? Plus he's my favorite color. And adorable.



(By Bake-a-Boo Cakes)

Hang on, there's a Pokémon who sits around napping and eating cake? I THINK I FOUND MY SPIRIT POKÉMON.



(By MaxMoschen)

According to the Bloggess this is actually called Dead Fish, and I think she's bang on. But I kind of want to hug him? Or dunk him in water? Or gnaw on his face? Feeling a little conflicted here.


Even we non-Pokémon peeps know Pikachu:

(By Cake Couture Designer)

I also spy a little Jiggly Puff, which - FUN FACT! - is also a term you should maybe not be Googling at work. Or around kids. Or without your Safe Search turned on. (Bet that leads to some fun parent/teen conversations.)


Here's an extra squee-worthy Pikachu, plus an Eevee:

(By Miki Suzuki)



Players are called Pokémon trainers, btw, and throw Pokéballs (those red and white things) to catch all their invisible creature overlords:

(By My Lil Cakery)

Love the silhouette and forced perspective.


There's also some kind of evolution thing that happens, so that cute little flaming Charmander up there can eventually turn into the vastly more intimidating Charizard:

(By Gina Rouchy) my favorite color combo! Yes!


Here's another cool Bulbasaur, whose rose hasn't opened up yet:

(By Andrea's Cakes)

I guess it's a late bloomer. (Eh? EH??)


(By Baking Obsession)


Hope you guys enjoyed the PokéSweets! Happy Sunday!

Note from john (the hubby of Jen)- I corrected the second name to Ivysaur. However, I also left the Epcot in the comments because every single one of you was polite in correcting me. This is the way the internet should be and I'm consistently proud of you readers for being awesome.


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