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What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets For Summer Weddings

I suppose technically summer is almost over, minions, but ermergersh, it sure doesn't feel it.

So let's look at some cool summer wedding cakes, and imagine all of these with a heaping scoop of ice cream on the side. :D


Starting with the classiest dragonflies this side of the 1920s:

(By Mira Que Tarta)

I want to wear this whole cake in my hair. Yes, it would be awkward. BUT WORTH IT.


(By Erin Bakes)

Daisies! John's gonna be so happy.


Love this sweet chalkboard style:

(By My Sweet Art)


And this gold leaf and pale peach reminds me of a warm summer sunset:

(By Sweet Bakes)


I feel like summer needs some bold, vivid colors, though. You know, the kind that smack you in the eyeballs with pure awesome? Like this:

(By Julia Marie Cakes)


Though I suppose the happiest summer shade has got to be yellow. Am I right?

(By Rose Gateaux)

And how perfect are those gray succulents with it? Mmmm.


I will forever drool over Emerald City green:

(By Bellaria Cakes Design)



And then my favorite color in the world comes along:

(By Eva Salazar)


And I don't know how they did that shimmery texture in the middle, but YES.


Now some pinks and oranges and greens?

(By Cakelava)

And all that textured white? Ahhhh. Yep. I'll take that, too, please.


Any Monet fans out there?

(By Sweet Disposition Cakes)

I like how velvety those lily pads looks. I want to pet them.


And last but never least, my favorite today goes... to the flamingos:

(By Good Gosh Ganache, featured here)

SQUEE! Hand-painted perfection. This has undone the damage of a hundred tacky lawn flamingos, all in one fell swoop.


Happy Sunday, everyone! Stay cool out there!


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Sunday Sweets For Harley Quinn

Can't get enough of Harley Quinn?

Then puddin', these Sweets are for you!

(By Teneal Ambers Cakes)


Have you seen Suicide Squad yet?

(By D Liche)

If so, be honest: you just went to see Harley, didn't you? :D


Well here's a fun factoid: Harley is not from a comic book.
That's right, she actually originated on Batman: The Animated Series in 1992, and looked like this:

(By NerdAche Cakes)

In the show she befriends Poison Ivy, which is why you see those two cosplayed together so often.

Granted, you probably already knew that, but I didn't until about a year ago, so I find it super fascinating.


Still, if I'm boring you: LOOK, CAKE!

(By Thoughtful Cakes)



Harley's had a lot of different looks over the years. Here she is from the video game Arkham Asylum:

(By Mike's Amazing Cakes)

...which is a great game, btw, even if you're not a huge gamer. JEN APPROVED. You don't even have to shoot anything; just mash all the buttons and watch Batman do lots of fancy jump kicks. (I'm awesome at video games, btw.)


I think I may have featured this next cake before, but it's worth a repeat:

(By Dream Day Cakes)

Ahhh. I want to gnaw off her little hat horns. Although I don't think they're called "hat horns." But seriously, this design is soooo good.


Another sweet-and-simple harlequin style:

(By Sinful Sweets By Rosy)


Oh! Have you seen the new Vinyl Vixens from Funko? I kind of want them all. (YES I'M A GROWN WOMAN.) Especially now that I see they make pretty cool cake toppers:

(By Wal-Mart. Yes, Wal-Mart. I AM SO CONFLICTED RIGHT NOW.)


Or, if you're feeling extra ambitious, here's a Harley dress cake:

(By Cakes Step By Step)

Complete with video tutorial!

(Dang that's a lot of work!)


I am now, and will forever be a sucker for all things cute, so I'm melting over this one:

(By Roxy Armenta)

How genius is it to use the cartoony "bomb" fuse for a candle? Squee!


And finally, one more Margot Robbie-inspired design:

(By Bella Cakes)

Digging the softer colors, and of course that handpainting is amaaazing.


Hope you guys enjoyed! Happy Sunday!


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