
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Missed Marks (411)


Sign of the Times

After yesterday's tiger-blood fiasco, I thought it might be a good idea to bring things down a notch. Maybe light a campfire. Grab my trusty Uke.*

*That's slang for "Ukulele". Trust me. I'm a musician.**

** Never trust a musician.

Then I thought we'd play a little "Somewhere over the rainbow" and bask in the warm, fuzzy glow of some peace sign cakes. Can you dig it, man? Groovy.

Let's start by taking a nice deep breath. (Don't mind the smell; that's just my "glaucoma medication.") Deeper. Now... hold it in and look at this cake:

It's like, totally cute as a button.

This one's like a birds eye view of a lazy river in a Japanese water park:

Plus it's so peaceful, you don't even care that the peace sign is wrong.

Now let's sing. "Some...WHEEERE...ooover the raaaainbow..."

The one reminds us how beautiful incorrectly drawn peace symbols are - on the inside.

And we're breathing IN the good, and OUT the bad...

Because nothing says "peace and happiness" quite like camo.

"Where happy little blue birds fly..."

Whoa. You know, I'm still feeling peaceful and all, but for some reason now I also want a Mercedes.

Hey, I've been thinking: Since no one seems to know how to draw a peace symbol anymore, maybe the bakers should, like, just use plastic ones instead.

Oh. Never mind.

And one more deep breath. Hold it... Hoooold it...


Now that is making peace with one's baker, right there.

Thanks to Melinda C., Lynette, Melanie W., Sarah I., Ashton G., Marisa I., & Sarah J., who think this post was a total peace of cake.


Oh! So THAT's Why There's No Mail!

Today we here in the U.S. celebrate our first president's birthday.

But more importantly...

[ripping off coat to reveal red, white, and blue sequin-covered jumpsuit]

...we celebrate America.

Hit it, Christina!

Um, well, I think that's supposed to be "whose"...

"Paroles?" Is this song about a prison break?


I've just spent 10 seconds trying to pronounce "hallulliah," and I can't stop laughing. Help.

[regaining composure] Ahem.

And now, in honor of George Washington and the day of his birth, let's see some starfish doing the tango.

That's for you, George.

And, since some people think Washington's family crest actually helped inspire the red and white stripes on Old Glory, let's take a moment to spotlight the care and respect bakers still show our nation's flag today:

The blue waves represent the sea of our educational incompetence.

Yessir, I think ol' George would have liked these bakers, with their real American values and their real American piping bags. After all, if there's one thing real Americans know, it's the shape of their own country.

Dibs on Toronto.

Thanks to today's real American heroes Ember P., Terra F., Aziza, & Jill W.