
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Cake News (62)


News Bites 5/19

And now, weird headlines.
Illustrated with cake.


"Crocodile Dundeeeek! Sharp-toothed reptile bites Australian man's TESTICLE."

And you should have seen the look on the GUY.


"School For Strippers Shut Down After Neighbors Complain"

I guess they never heard Amber's heartwarming backstory.


"Dog Driving Tractor Causes Ruff Traffic Jam"



"Man Sneezes Out Small Plastic Toy Lodged In His Nose For 44 Years"

Think he was a decorator?


"Baby Starts Crying In University Lecture, So Professor Responds In Best Way Possible"

Just kidding. He actually did this.


"McDonald's unveils new Hamburglar after 'sexy' makeover - but not everyone thinks he's tasty."


Waaaiiit for iiit....



Thanks to Rachel C., Marie S., Faye W., Katie T., Karilee, & Mary M. for the Crappy Meal.


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Now Tell Him About The Twinkie

As many of you know, I am a HUGE Ghostbusters fan, so when Krispy Kreme announced their new donuts this month, I was filled not with the promise of marshmallow fluff filling, but with dread:

I've just seen too much, you guys. The pastry never matches the promo pic.


And sure enough:

"Mother pus bucket...!"

"You're right; no human being would decorate donuts like this."


Thanks to Hal C. over on the Ghostbusters Fans page, and also to Susie F., who'd like to remind us that Dunkin' Donuts really isn't doing any better:

"Ok, who brought the dog?"



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