Entries by john (the hubby of Jen) (150)
Are Anivery

13 years ago today, Jen and I got married. And, because we both forgot we're both above materialistic declarations of love, I've decided to express myself the best way I know how: with pictures of goofed-up cakes.
[Cuing sexy saxophone music]
[Lighting candles]
[Duck face]
Ohhhh, girl...
Girl, in case you didn't know, girl...
Today is our anivery. That's right: the day I gave all of me to all of you...
[Eyebrow waggle]
And I want you to know, girl, that you are my love, girl...
And today is our love day, uunnnnngggggg...
First, I'm gonna cover your pillow in beautiful flowers...
And then, I'm gonna feed you strawberries in the candlelight...
Mmmmmm... Ecstatic!
Because today, like no other day, is the day that is our day, today. Girl.
And when the time is right...
and the lights are low...
I'm gonna get real comfortable...
and read you this poem:
Aw, I'm just kidding, of course, girl.
You're only getting a picture of the cookie.
Thanks to Jan, Madeline S., Jennifer J., Andi F., Mackiesmama, and Stephanie S.
And Jen, for 13 amazing years.