
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries by john (the hubby of Jen) (150)


Sunday Sweets: Anything Goes

 Every once in a while Jen will ask me to write a Sunday Sweets post, and some creative spark will burst forth from my soul like a wellspring of inspirational inspiration that inspires me.

Unfortunately, this isn't one of those times.

However, since no Sunday Sweets would be complete without a compelling and intriguing theme, today's theme is:


"The First Ten Cakes In Our Sunday Sweets Library!"


Submitted by Allison S.
Spotted at the 2011 Connecticut Cake Competition; baker unknown. Photography by Nick Caito of CTNow.

Aaand naturally, it's pillows.

I'm having a hard time believing those are actually cake. I'm also getting all nostalgic for my grandmother's house and her groovy, plastic-covered, 70's-style mustard-yellow couch.


And now, a graceful segue into...


By Cakes By Suzy


Why do football mascots always have to be so menacing? Why not go with something like the Florida Bunny Rabbits? They could even have 'uge pointy teeth!

Also, Googling "Bunnies wearing Gator's jerseys," doesn't give you many rabbit pictures, IF ya know whadda mean.


Ah, now we're rollin':

By Theresa Gue

True story: I once lost a $100 at a craps table playing with someone who "knew how to win." It was not $100 worth of fun. I haven't gambled since. (Well, unless you count that "house special" triple taco meal the other night.)


This next cake is a fish:

By Cake Or Death

Cakes like this make me wonder what the ordering process was like. Did they ask for a really sad fish cake? Why did they order a really sad fish cake? Who had to cut the really sad fish cake? It's all just so sad.


But you know what's never sad?

Submitted by Janie S. and made by Andrea SweetCakes

 Fondant candles and pastel bows and sugar cherries on top, that's what.


And now for something completely different:

Submitted by Kara and made by Roxycakes

Allow me to explain the logic here are Cake Wrecks:

- If a wedding cake is made to look like cheese, it's a Sweet.

- If a wedding cake is actually cheese, it's a Wreck.

Glad we cleared that up.


Moving on to an elegant cityscape:

Submitted by David W. and made by Gateaux

This is the Minneapolis skyline, and I'm digging that recessed lighting. Also, this is actually the second cake from David and Jaime's wedding, the first being the big box o' candy we posted a while back.Which makes me want to marry Jen again so we can have two awesome wedding cakes. (Although even one would be pretty sweet.)


This next cake reminds me of quilling or paper filigree:

Made by Wedding Cake Art

Pretty! And I swear I bought a Ralph Lauren fabric with that exact pattern for some pillows Jen and I made a few years ago.

And yes, Jen and I obviously do too many crafts together. So sue me.


Okay, you ready for some adorableness?

By Rouvelee's Creations

D'awwwwww. Lookit the little bow-tied elephant with the dots and the stripes and the pretty piping.  I'm just... I need a moment.

[collecting self]


And finally, the piece of resistance, the cream of the cream, the "shizzle," so to speak:

Submitted by Steph M. and made by Rainbow Sugar Craft

Minas Tirith. Because all Sunday Sweets posts should include at least one Lord of the Rings cake. (Speaking of which, have you seen Peter Jackson's latest vlog from the set of The Hobbit? So. Exciting.)


Thanks for letting me ramble today. And remember, if you have a Sweet to submit, even if it's your own creation, send it to sundaysweets(at)cakewrecks(dot)com.


You Say Tomato, I Say Turnip

Hey, everybody! Do you know what time it is?!

That's right, it's "You write the &%#* post, john!!" time!

So, uh, yeah.

Let's see... I need something really easy to write so I can go back to playing my video game. (Those aliens aren't gonna kill themselves!)

Right, how about some wedding missed marks? Or as I like to call them, "Let's have an Epcot in the comments about getting what you paid for!"



Ooh, pretty. Of course, this cake was on so it was probably made with platinum shavings and unicorn tears.

Now let's see what Patty I. ended up with.


(On a side note, all I can hear as I write this is the MarioKart music as Jen vanquishes her little cartoon foes. That and the occasional, "In YOUR FACE, Donkey Kong!!")


Next cake:

No lie, this is one of my favorite cakes in our library. And please note that it's made with fondant.

Or as Buddy would call it, Fahn Dahn.

Now, people often complain that Missed Marks always have a fondant inspiration cake with an all-buttercream wreck, which is why they're so horrifically bad. So for a better comparison, here's Tina M's resulting cake which was made with fondant:

It's like apples and pigeons.

(I'm now laughing maniacally at my own joke. I think I'm tired.)


I can't think of anything funny to say about this next cake. So instead, I'll just sing a song that's currently stuck in my head.

"You're BEAUtiful! You're BEAUtiful! You're BEAUtiful - it's true!"

"La, la, la, something WHAT to do."

Aaand, that's all I know.

Also, I'd like to apologize to Michael and Stephanie for taking 4 years to post your cake. I overslept.


This next inspiration cake is awesome:

Huh. Maybe this one is my favorite. Maybe I just like blue. I'm so confused.

Never mind. So let's analyze the incredible complexity and skill required to make the gorgeous design above:

Step 1. Make a three-tiered round cake.

Step 2. Stick blue circles on it.

Aaand let's see how Serena P.'s bakers did!


Well, that's all the time I have, since I'm pretty sure I just heard a Wii remote hit the wall. And that's never good. ("Oh no, Luigi lose! MAMA!")

So, until next time, be thankful that Jen writes this blog.