
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Apron Sale & New Wreckwear

It's always fun seeing what you guys come up with for new shirt designs, and since Zazzle is running a huge sale this weekend I figured I better post these new ones pronto.

First, check out the poo-surfin' hot dog Gwen B. of The Brown Brush art studio designed:
As with all the truly bizarre, sure-to-confuse-everyone-but-fellow-Wreckies designs, I love it.

Here it is on a shirt:

And it's also available on an apron.

For those of you who enjoyed the Dilbert-inspired Wreck from last week, Becki of WhimzyGirlz designed this little number:

Which also looks good in brown for the guys.

Through Sunday Zazzle is offering 25% off all aprons, and 10% off all t-shirts. That's the best discount I've ever seen them offer for aprons, so if you've been thinking about getting one, now's the time. Here are all the apron designs I currently have for Wrecks, but if there's a design you'd like me to add just let me know.

And as always, send your CW shirt designs to comments [at] cake wrecks [dot] com! If I post it, I'll give you a shout-out and link to your site both on Zazzle and here on Wrecks.

Hope you're all enjoying your holiday weekend! Wreck on!


Sweet Tweets

Many of you already follow me on Twitter, but for those who don't (and for you newbies) here's a sampling I think is worth repeating.

- "Cake or death?" with Lego illustrations. Very nice.

- Headline: Goat Breaks into Home, Eats Cake. Quote: "I feel sorry for the lady, but it IS kind of funny."

Does CW have some fans over at ESPN? You be the judge: "I want sprinkles." (Thx Ian!)

- Crazy cupcake creepiness:

I think I like it. (thx Itsirk!)

- Here's a nifty trip down memory lane: "My Life in Frosting": ET & Vader & Superman, oh my!

(Either this E.T. cake or the Ghostbusters one is my favorite, but check that link out for lots of nostalgia-laced goodness.)

- Need a diversion? Then take this quiz by CW reader Silver and find out which Cake Wreck you are!

And lastly, your Wreck for the day:

- Cakes that look like poo are bad enough, but on your WEDDING DAY?!?

Ah, redneck weddings…

If y'all enjoy today's post I may make "Sweet Tweets" a regular feature here on Wrecks. Thoughts? Questions? Comments?

UPDATE: Fascinating. I had no idea Twitter could inspire such strong feelings of dislike! Chill, everyone: I just thought I'd try something a little different for a post. I'm not trying to "sell" you on Twitter or change my usual writing style - I just wanted to share some fun and funny bits for you non-tweeters, is all. I'll be sure to post less material if I try again in the future, though; it seems most of you agree this post is too long.