Demons of "Stupity"

I'm sure this will be shocking to absolutely none of you, but I've always been a big Dilbert fan. Probably because he reminds me so much of my Dad, who I think is an engineer, but to this day I couldn't tell you exactly what he does for a living. (Words like "quality" and "resource" and "Brillouin-Scattering Centro-Symmetrical Birefringence" factor in there somehow, I believe.)
Anyway, for those of you not familiar with the strip, Dilbert's dog Dogbert likes to go around exorcising people of their stupidity, like so:
Which is pretty hilarious, and also what Leni's coworkers wanted on their department manager's birthday cake.
Instead, they got this:
Reader Comments (97)
HA! That's awful.
...but really funny.
LOL! I used to have a coffee cup that said that and I would shake it at people I worked with...
Stupity is the emotion one feels upon being informed of impending Falker Satherhood.
"Tim lapsed into silent stupity when Carol told him she was carrying triplets."
My 7 year old daughter used to call me 'stupity' when she was little if I acted like a loon to make her laugh. Now, if I even attempt the same behaviour in front of her, she whines "Muu -uum! You're *embarrassing* me" whilst looking around to see if anyone else is looking. . . .
But this cake! How perfectly perfect!
You see, if they'd *asked* for that (piling on the irony factor) it just wouldn't have been funny. But because the wreckorator didn't realise their mistake, it's priceless!
Ah, we can all sleep happy in our beds tonight. :-)
I think a touch more red to the icing might have made the words more meaningful...mithspelling aside. Really, how seriously would you take an exorcis-or if he/she showed up in pink with a "bibel"'d probably just roll over and kiss your sweet soul good bye!
Obviously the demons of "stupity" are hard to kick...
Wow---my husband is gonna love this one. He is a Dilbert fan. And he will want one of the mugs, too. It would be good to shake at the silly people who believe in the Mars Hoax.
Awesome! Dogbert's point could not have been made better - and yummier.
And thus the visual definition of "ironic."
I sense a T-shirt in the works. Dear God you just can't make this stuff up.
When we first saw the Demons of Stupidity , we had to cut it out and hang it on the bulletin board at work. :D
This is going to be my screen saver at the office.
Wow...the fact that the wreckerator didn't even attempt Dogbert makes it even more wreckful. Love it!
I want that exact cake for my husband. It's so perfect it's almost not a wreck. Almost. Maybe not.
I have the original comic strip hanging in my seems to have followed me from job to job, cube to cube! rofl
Love the might have to be my new desktop picture!
I'm not sure if this is an epic fail or an epic win...or perhaps we're officially in a parallel universe where it's both.
Gotta agree with Johanna on this one. That's actually funnier than if they had gotten what they ordered.
Gladys said Stupity is the emotion one feels upon being informed of impending Falker Satherhood.
"Tim lapsed into silent stupity when Carol told him she was carrying triplets."
Did you deliberately choose the names of two Dilbert charcters for your example? See" REL="nofollow">Ted the generic guy (sometimes also called Tim) and" REL="nofollow">Carol, who is apparently important enough to have her very own Wikipedi article dedicated to her. She would be pleased.
WV: plyst. Sounds Swedish, and possibly obscene.
Out, of Dum!
Angie (from over at
at first i thought of the wreck was the decorator omitting dogbert. but then i read the comments and realized (after a second look) that the wreck was 'stupity'.
i also loved the pointy haired boss from dilbert.
If I'd have known that's what Dilbert was about, or at least his dog, I would have loved it a long time ago.
I may need to print that somewhere.
Does that sticker say "Fresh Bread"?
WV: Stupity
a mix of stupidity and iniquity, or really dumb wickedness, "By the end of her first day on the new job, Carol knew she had wandered into a den of stupity."
does the label say french bread?
lol... just what I needed to start my saturday morning!
Raychel from
I love it!!
The label also claims this is not's some sort of elaborate "French Bread" according to them.
Stupity is as stupity does, and Stupity wreckorated this cake.
I love this one. Not only for the creative ironic spelling but because it's all frilly with pink roses and sweetness. It just makes me laugh on so many levels. Yum.
A funny coincidence, but not ironic. Irony has a different meaning. look it up.
My favorite part is how lazy the cake shop must have been-- it looks like they took a pre-made, pre-decorated cake intended to have "Happy Birthday Ollie" or somesuch written on it, and used that. Which is why there are sweet pink roses along with the garbled message. Seems a little out of context...
That is truly priceless. They must have LOVED that cake!
I also love how the label says that it is french bread....
Love it! Too funny. And since my spelling is awful I had to go back up and look at the original to see what was wrong! hehe At least I'm not decorating cakes...
Oh the "stupity".
So perfect. Everything about this cake makes me feel giggly. Sugar, chocolate, pink, humor, irony. It's missing nothing. This is the perfect cake.
hahahaha, wowwwww! I think this is one of the best wrecks I have seen posted here in quite a while. I love this post.
Word Verification: oshizeas
"O shizeas!" the decorator exclaimed as she realized she misspelled the message on the cake, "Maybe no one will notice."
Gladys's comment wins. :D Just about as much as that cake.
;) The Mii Maker ;)
P.S. I've been reading Cake Wrecks so much that often times when I say, "That reminds me!" my mom or brother will say "Cake Wrecks?" :P
Nothing like an 'exorcism' cake with pink roses!
~Amy B
THAT is my all time favorite! LOLOLOLOL!!!
Out, out, brief candle!
(Oops, that's the wrong allusion.)
Out, Dogbert! (or "Spot" . . .)
wv: babialur
I can be such a babialur sometimes - just don't know when to shuddup.
Not to mention that whoever labeled it thought it was French bread!
Imagine my surprise last night while sitting down playing a game of Trival Pursuit on X-box 360, and "Cake Wrecks" came up on one of the lists of answers under Arts and Literature.
OMG! Nothing quite says "stupity" like dainty pink roses.
WV: quiver. That kind of says it all, don't you think?
Okay, how's this for stupity?
I had to read twice before I saw the problem....hee, hee.
Somewhere, out there in a bakery...there is a decorator that has no idea what kind of hilarity they've unleashed upon humanity with this masterpiece.
Bless them.
Bless them.
yet another perfect t-shirt slogan given birth to on a cake-wreck.
And pink roses? So out of synch with "stupity." I mean, really.
Oh how STUPIT!
Ohhhh, thank goodness they didn't attempt to create Dogbert. I was cringeing as I scrolled down, fully expecting another blobby yellow disaster of Spongebob proportions. Dogbert in cupcakes! Perish the thought.
It looks like the "decorator" ran out of room to pipe the entire word; perhaps s/he thought they wouldn't notice an entire syllable missing.