
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Taking Liberties

As we gear up for the fourth of July, it's nice to see bakeries celebrating the freedom our brave men and women in the armed forces have afforded them.

Namely, the freedom to unleash Wreckage of this caliber on the unsuspecting populace:

'Cuz if you've got it, flaunt it, right?

The star of Irving, David's rarely-mentioned younger brother.

I think this is either an umbrella or a pair of scissors. John sees a hand making the peace sign. And to be honest, the fact that all of those are options is oddly impressive.

This last one looks like one of those cartoon steam whistles, like in Steamboat Willy:

Since whistles don't usually say "Bang!", though, I guess I have to agree with Tara M. that this is a firecracker. Which makes about as much sense as a steam whistle saying "Bang!", come to think of it.

Shelley B., David K., Kelly B., did you notice that ALL of today's Wrecks are cupcake cakes?

NOTE: Thank you all for the many kind comments and e-mails yesterday. I'm in surgery today at 1PM EST, but should be back tweeting and snarking away by this evening. You've reminded me once again that I have the best readers any blogger could ever hope for, so thanks again.

UPDATE: The surgery went great! And y'all weren't kidding about the drugs...I almost wish I needed to take more, but I'm feeling surprisingly little pain. Your well-wishes and prayers were very much appreciated and felt, so thank you all again!


Happy Canada Day!

No, my northern friends, I didn't forget about you. For some reason your bakeries just aren't churning out the patriotic-themed Wreckage - and for that I'm torn between congratulating you and scolding you.

Fortunately I do have a few specimens to share, though, and I'll also be sure to liberally sprinkle in some "Eh?"s throughout today's post, to demonstrate my impeccable cultural sensitivity. (I know better than to tick off a country of people wearing those hats with the earflaps and hanging out with moose all day, Ok? I mean... eh?)

First, let us non-Canadians take a gander at what your flag is supposed to look like:

Simple, bold, graphic... I have to say, Canada: I like it. Eh?

And then there's this:

Ah, the airbrush...uniting the world in Wreckage. Eh?

And this:

The finger hole was the result of an over-eager guest, but that "leaf" is pure Wreckerator skill at work. Kinda looks like a monster on a Popsicle stick, doesn't it? Eh?

I'm pretty sure this next one must be from Canada, too, because, well... says "I heart flannel". And we all know what country loves flannel! Eh? (Right now the rest of you are jealous of my superior cultural diversity, aren't you? Yeah, I can tell.)

To leave you on a sweet note - Eh? - check out the beautiful Canadian flag-inspired cake Jessica J. found:

So pretty! It looks like this was displayed at a convention in the Philippines, but I don't see the baker's name listed. You can see more pretty cakes at the source page, though. Eh?

Nicole K., Michaelle P., & Lauren K., I would leave you with lovely French phrase, but I don't know any French.

Auf Wiedersehen!
