
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Does This Cake Make Me Look Fat?

Attn parents: the last photo in today's post is not appropriate for the little ones.

So you're making a Doritos-run to your local grocery store, and you see this:

And for some reason many of you are convinced by this chipped, yellowing, choking-hazard of a cake that photo cakes are a "grrrr-reat!" idea. So you run home, rifle through the blackmail folder, and order up gems like these:

And when you combine embarrassing candids with the "skill" of a seasoned Wreckerator, you can achieve a level of Wreckage never before imagined by the culinary world.

Your job: find the creepiest photo of the birthday girl possible - swirling light vortex and glowing red eyes a plus.

Wreckerator's job: place photo off-center and try to use up all this extra orange icing.

(the orange is on the bottom border)

Great job, team!

Or here's an idea:

Hand out little tubes of icing and invite guests to black out teeth, draw on mustaches, etc. That'll make the birthday girl feel special.

Here's an option for you creative types:

Photoshop: lending the honky some jammin' style since 1984.

Photo cakes are also a great way to remind friends what happened during their last black out:

Or why their new nickname is "the dragon":

Ah, cameras and alcohol: a match made in Cake Wrecks heaven.

Thanks to Mangycat, Bridgett, A Nony Mouse, Emma M., Rachel B., Julie C., and Kimberly E. Remember: what happens in Vegas, gets on Cake Wrecks!

- Related Wreckage: Breaking News: Head-Swelling Bakery Incident Goes Horribly Awry


Beauty is Only Skin Deep

If you think animated characters today set an unrealistic standard of beauty for your kids, then you're in luck! Today's cakes will show you some great ways to lower that standard, all while teaching important life-lessons!

First, remember, girls: strong jawlines = strong women.

Also, some things are better gotten off your chest.

While others - such as missing limbs, sagging chests, and worryingly large necks - are best left unmentioned:

On the plus side, questions like "Where's the rest of her choker? Or her arm? Or her ear?" can help distract viewers from misspellings. Case in point: did you notice "bithday"?

Brenda S., Courtenay P., Aaryn C., & Beth, these cakes are beautiful, no matter what they say.

- Related Wreckage: My Youngest Wreckporter