
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Spelling Be

Look, spelling can be tricky. All those "words" with their pesky "letters" that have to go in a specific "order" to make some sort of "sense?" It's hard. So, we try not to judge too harshly when a decorator makes a minor mistake.

Like this:

In the baker's defense, how often do you use the word "happy" on a cake, anyway?

And abbreviations can sure be problematic:

Then again, how else would we know a cookie can be ready in five mountains?

And when there are multiple words on a cake, it really makes spelling those simple words that much harder!

Baker: "Whoa! Slow down there, buddy! What do I look like, a word processor?"

And don't get us started on "Huked on Phonics":

I'm guessing they saw "in Mississippi" on the order form and gave up.

Besides, when frustration levels are high it's just human nature to invent new words and letters:

You know, like "Aur" or a dotted "u." You barely have a prayer of getting those right.

And sometimes you need to take a lot of little breaks:

[shrug] Ah, well. "Better luck" next time, Lindsay!

Thanks Terry P., Stefani C., Cindy G., Tyler H., Christine M., & Lindsay W., although after these wrecks I think I need to sit a spell.


Easy, Cheesy, "Beautiful"

Bakers, are you running low on flotsam? Is your curling ribbon on back order? Are you fresh out of teddy bears?

Well, never fear! There are plenty of handy flotsam stand-ins lying around even the most basic of kitchens to save you from actually decorating any of your cakes! Just check out these double-duty doers:

- Styrofoam cups

[Image removed at baker's request. Check back sooner next time. ;)]

Add a few fake flowers snatched off your break room centerpiece, and voila! Instant flower vase!

- The Dollar Store's Clearance Bin

Granted, you'll have to pop next door to Duffy's Dollar Doo-Dad Depot, but the options there are virtually limitless:

And you thought you'd have to learn how to pipe roses. [shaking head] Tsk, tsk.

Or, if your budget is tight, just raid

- your kid's toy chest:

The good news is this isn't ridiculous AT ALL.

'Course, if you want something edible, (spoilsport) you could always go with

- ice cream cones:

Just be sure to fill them completely with icing. Remember: any bite of chocolate chip cookie without a mouthful of frosting is a bite wasted!

Or, for those extra special occasions,

- a dog bone:

Yeah. Chew on that, birthday boy.

Or, "impending-hip-surgery-boy," as the case may be.

Thanks to Laura, Mrs. McCutie, Erica D., Lisa, Sarah G., and Seth F., who all have a bone to pick with these wreckerators. Preferably one in chocolate.