
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Wreck A "Bye," Baby

You know, there's nothing quite like a goodbye cake for that really emotional farewell:

Because "this cake isn't going to pay for itself" wouldn't fit.


If you're one to keep your feelings bottled up, you can always rely on a tried and true saying to do the emoting for you:

A missing apostrophe, an unnecessary comma, a snarky sentiment... this is what Cake Wrecks is all about, folks.


Sometimes a playful insult can help soften the blow of a friend leaving town:

Because there's nothing like a good punch to the ol' funny bone to cut through those pesky tears.


For your friends moving down under, there's always the short and sweet route:

 So sweet. Like a lemon. Like a misspelled lemon. Like the face you make when you get lemon juice squirted in your eye. Which is coincidentally like the face I'm making right now.


Of course, the sweet can turn sour when an aspiring artist joins in:

I'd like to flick off those quotation marks used to indicate "waving."

Although, actually, it kind of works. Like even the wreckorator knew that hand was a joke.


Seeing off your oldest friend becomes a whole lot easier when you invite Tom Foolery to the party:

Because confusion is the best distraction from actual emotion. Who is dancing? Are there two princes or just one princess? What's a goad? Does Micheal really spell his name that way? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!


Still, regardless of your wording, remember to keep the attitude positive by finding something genuinely nice to say:

Hey, that could have ben a lot crappier.


Buh bye, Lynne R., buh bye, Stephanie F., buh bye, Tisiphone, BUH BYE, Corie, buh bye, Kary N., buh bye, Mollie R., & buuuuh BYE, Casey S.


It's Hatching Men

Well, here's something you don't see every day:

[adjusting spectacles and consulting clipboard] Here we have two neanderthal males with questionable chest hair hatching from watery eggs. As you can see, the one on the right has acclimated to the process, while the one on the left is all "AAAAAUUUGGHH!!"

Which is a paraphrase, of course, since in Neanderthal it'd actually be more like "OokalockahoohooGROOOOOOONK!"

Now when I first saw that picture, I figured some lone baker somewhere had gone off the deep end. Which doesn't seem an unreasonable hypothesis when you look at that icing armpit hair.

Then I saw this next one:

So the neanderthal has evolved into a suave grey fox with well-groomed armpit hair and an outie belly button that will give mothers everywhere a coronary, but the question remains:

Why are bakeries making cakes of men hatching out of watery eggs?

Anyone know? Or will this turn into another lamb cakes smoking cigarettes mystery?


Thanks to Kathleen C. for the egg-cellent wreckporting.