Under The Sea With No-Face Cinderella

When Cassie asked her bakery if they could draw Ariel and Flounder on a cookie cake for her...
... they said yes.
Then Cassie showed them this picture:
... and they STILL said they could do it.
See, that was your first warning sign, Cassie.
This was your second.
Still, at least they gave poor Ariel a face. Raelin's baker, on the other head, failed so badly that she actually scraped off Cinderella's face and delivered the cake like this:
I had to read the e-mail to understand what the heck I was looking at. It looks like an upside down chick with a shaved belly!
I mean "chick" as in baby chicken, btw.
It's weird I have to clarify that.
But also why I love you guys.
And while we're celebrating Princess Week (did I mention it's Princess Week? Hey, minions, IT'S PRINCESS WEEK), let's take a moment to appreciate that one woman's castle is another woman's castle, IF you know what I mean.
Also you might want to get that leak looked at.
Now get out there, princesses, and smash this weekend the way our patron saint would want you to:
Thanks to Cassie C., Raelin K., Janine E., & Stefani K. for giving us serious birthday cake goals.
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Reader Comments (22)
...For that last one, I'm now imagining Bruce Banner getting talked into dressing up like that to surprise a little girl super fan of his, and kinda having a blast when he finds that she's a fan of both the Hulk and his science (Um, as well as pretty, pretty dresses). Hulk (Nerd) Out, yo.
That Hulk cake is AWESOME!
1) WOW! Flounder looks like a grumpy, toothless grandpa and Ariel is missing her top. And this is a cake for a child? What does this baker do on the side, porn films?
2) Looks like a baby bundled in a blanket but facing the wrong way. Call Children's Services!
3) And maybe this princess' expectations were premature. (Take that any way you want).
4) This reminds me of the beer commercial with Leslie Nielsen where he had on pink slippers and said, "Sometimes, a guy just likes to feel pretty." (Come to think of it, isn't there a She-hulk in the Marvel universe?)
Love the hulk cake! Terrified by the Cinderella one.
That "castle" cake gives a whole new meaning to tapeworm. Ugh!
The coolest 8-year-old in the world wanted that Hulk cake!
OK, I kinda love the Hulk cake.
That Hulk princess is really kind of magical.
My son is playing Sebastian in The Little Mermaid this weekend, and I wish I could buy the cookies at the top. The cookie cake - not so much... LOL!
Ariel reminds me of the "Birth of Venus" parody from the Futurama episode "A bicyclops built for two".
Maybe she & Flounder have been swimming in the sewers of New New York?
That Hulk is the best doll cake ever.
It would work as a Twisted Toyfare Theater homage as well. LoL
Ah, the Hulk princess cake makes up for all the rest.
Princess Hulk vs Princess Godzilla!!!
That there side-saddle gender fluid is a keeper. It surely is, surely.
Wait, who scraped it off, the baker or the customer?
Princess Hulk and Princess Godzilla need to join forces!
Poor Cinderella. The wreckerators scared her so badly her face melted off to parts unknown. I really hope they did not buy that cake lol.
I'm late to this party, but Sheldon Cooper was on a roll about "what would the Hulk be" if he was metal, or sponge, or sherbet. . .
Hulk FTW!
Why should we assume that Hulk Princess isn't smashing matriarchal forms of gender conformity?
Or not. But I mean, these days you can't assume anything where "gender" is concerned.
That castle needs to see a urologist!
"Ah, the Hulk princess cake makes up for all the rest."
I second that sentiment.
NGL: i love that hulk cake