
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

About That STD Video...

There's this new Winnie-the-Pooh deco kit going around, and, uh...

That's right. Take it alllll in:

The ship's anchor, slithering through the grass.
Next to the balloon, also slithering through the grass.
Next to the... smashed... spider?

And through it all, Pooh and Tigger... staring at an ass*.

[*Sorry. "Donkey's ass."]


Here, have another one:

Now, hardcore Pooh fans will know what story this cake is failing to illustrate, but good luck explaining it to all the people backing away without breaking eye contact.

There's a life lesson in here somewhere, kids. Go find it.



Next up:

This is an actual wedding cake:

[mic drop]



Have you seen the new "wrapped cake" trend?

At this point we just have to take their word that there's actually cake in there.

(Pssst. Guys. You let a little icing spill out on the bottom there. Quick! Grab some curly ribbon!)



My favorite part is how indignant this original poster was over the misspelling. That's right, JUST THE MISSPELLING.

"Can you BELIEVE they misspelled my crapping dog cake? How could they POSSIBLY misspell a crapping dog cake? Don't people have STANDARDS anymore?!"



And finally:

The ellipsis is what really sells it.



Thanks to JJ, Tina C., Jacqueline G., Greg H., & Jessica M. for not spoiling the ending on that video. After all, we want to be surprised.


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And from my other blog, Epbot:

« 10 Enchanted Garden Cakes That Are Pure Magic | Main | Now THIS Is Ironic »

Reader Comments (14)

(at the wedding) "OOOOOOOO, can I pleeth have another peeth with more featherth on it. I love the way they tickle when I thwallow."

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterShirley

Maybe they're not staring. Maybe Eeyore farted and Tigger and Pooh are sniffing. Dogs sniff butts, so why not bears and tigers?

And Michael's must have had an enormous sale on their craft supplies. How else do you explain that wedding cake?

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Too bad, those are actually some nice looking frosting flowers... o.0 ><

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMedith

That cat (rabbit? ) in a box takes the wedding cake out of wreck territory. That is some Far Side shizz. Bravo

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterZeenia

That wedding cake is like a scary mashup of a bake off and Hoarders.

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterKathleen

Some of the flowers on the wedding cake are so lovely.

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAnne

Ok, I thought I'd read every classic Pooh story there was! Someone, help with that first cake! Lol!

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Why the bath mat fragment on the wedding cake? Were they aiming for the trash can?

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterNanalettie

You really nailed it with the captions on this one LOL

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSarah B.

Finding Eeyore a new tail:

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered Commenter~~Silk

Is that a purple dragon on top of the wedding cake??

April 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterHollie

Maybe the wreckerator forgot to bake the cake and figured if they hid it under all the feathers, bows, cats and other stuff no one would notice lol. I still can't find any cake under all of that. I know it's there but where??

April 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterArleneMarie

Hate to break it to those defenders of the wedding wreck because of the lovely sugar flowers, but they are the premade kinds that are made in China and are ordered in bulk from cake supply companies. They are labeled as "gumpaste" flowers but may or may not have any percentage of anything edible in them. Usually not, and they look nice but they are all identical and will break a tooth if someone makes the mistake of trying to eat one. The hardest part of using them is trying to break off the wires and stick them to the cake with edible glue... buy I'm guessing this wreckerator just stuck some delicious lead covered chinese wires directly into the cake itself to secure them.
The more you know...

April 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterDebby

I find this wedding cake gorgeous, lead flowers or not ! There's even a cat on it ! I'm only a bit concerned about the feathers...

April 16, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterLeina

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