Patty's Checklist, Please

Right, bakers, let's go over the checklist for this week:
Amorphous Purse Dress?
Yellow Pool Float?
Checkity check.
Bewildered broccoli?
Exxxxxcellent. Better make extras of those.
Plastic Pilgrims?
Remember, if anyone asks, their names are Molly and Seamus.
And last but not least, Oogie Boogie's Money Bag*.
(*Please note this is NOT a euphemism)
Well, wreckerators, looks like everything's in order! Now let's get out there and write "St. Patty's" on everything to tick off the pedants:
Unless the customer asks for a shamrock.
Thanks to Ida, Melissa S., Cyndi C., Liza L., Ann G., Shannon K., & Megan H. for making us all feel extra lucky this week.
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (27)
Depending on which way these make you feel, we should probably change the words to the song to:
1) When Irish eyes are sobbing uncontrollably
2) When Irish eyes are laughing their butts off.
OK, I've seen enough cake wrecks to identify what they were going for with all but the second one--all I can see is an amorphous office phone? What IS that?
Kim, I think it's a beer mug.
Ok. Kim, now I can't see #2 as ANYTHING else but an "amorphous office phone"!!
#2 is a mug of beer? I just fell off my chair laughing!
Kim, All I can see is phone, too.
I believe the yellow thing is a mug of beer.
@Kim, I *think* they were going for a mug of beer. Allegedly. Supposedly. In theory. I do see your phone though!
Hubby says the second one is a beer stein. Handle on the right.
Poor Shamrock, I hope he had a happy birthday anyway ....
Paddy. (Short for Padraig) Not Patty! A worse crime than the wrecks.
Or, as a natural result of Mike's song title number 2,
3) When Irish eyes are buttless
I’m guessing #2 is supposed to be a beer stein... upside down. Maybe?!
I think the second one is supposed to be a mug of beer ...... maybe ....... without the foam on top.
Yay! Our son's birthday cake (bewildered broccoli) made it on the Cakewrecks page! 😄
Second one from the bottom requires a reference to The Princess Bride: “What is that _thing_?” I’m not the least bit Irish but even I know it would be St. Paddy (not Patty’s) Day.
Hi Jen,
very clever promoting your fix frizzy hair blog entry so close to the poor thing in the second to last picture. He shurely needs it :D :D :D
Kim: The second one is supposed to be a mug of beer. Obviously AMERICAN beer, as a proper Guinness is much darker.
Kim, that's a beer mug. With no foam, alas.
Kim, I think it's upside down, but a mug of beer?
Do you really think these cake "decorators" know what a "pedant" is? They probably would spell it "pennant."
There isn't anything wrong with being a pedant, if the subject is apostrophes, is there? They are my pet peeve... or peeves? One peeve, but plural. Hmmm.
It may be a banana yellow "mug of beer" to you all, but I saw a telephone first.
I sort of want to post a picture of Patty Bouvier here.
Best to forego the cakes and just get some good Irish soda bread. I’d like to see a baker try to screw THAT up.
Oh that yellow beer pool float thing has made me laugh harder than I should. I need to drink less caffeine lol.
For some reason I really love the bewildered broccoli. I kind of want to adopt it!
I'm kinda digging the bewildered broccoli. But the two chocolate chips above the rainbow on the pilgrims cake make the cake frown.
Can't say I was thinking along those lines when I wrote it, but I have to admit you had me cracking up!
Ah, ok, beer. I get it now. But it still looks like a phone to me, LOL