
Now available in cupcakes!
Oh, and while we're at it...
"This will end in tears."
And, uh, Derpy here just wants a hug:
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
Now available in cupcakes!
Oh, and while we're at it...
"This will end in tears."
And, uh, Derpy here just wants a hug:
Barnes & Noble
Watch the trailer here!
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Reader Comments (21)
If people are really willing to buy these, I guess the old adage is true, "There's a sucker born every minute."
1) At least these resemble an octopus. But that's a lousy camouflage color. They won't last long in the wild.
2) A pent-opus? An octo-poop?
3) At least this one has suckers on the arms. But what's with the bow ties? Is a hat and tails next?
4) It's Batman in his underwater disguise as Octo-Bat.
5) Octopus? Looks more like a blue turd that's oozing.
Ba ha ha!
Derp! Ummm, nope. No hugs for you today. I've only got two arms and you have... jazz tentacles (I mean, not NOW, obv, but you COULD have jazz tentacles any moment now).
Love Broadway octopus, "But father, I only want to SING!" "That's it, Stop! Stop the music!"
Not one of those octopuses (octopi?) has eight limbs. Well, wait...I think the cartwheeling octopus does. But that's not saying much.
Blue Octopoo!
(I don't see that coming out well....)
IF ya knowhattamean.....
Is it me or does the Broadway one look like a mutated Morph (claymation character from kids art show in the 1980s)?
Are you sure that the cartwheeling octopus isn't a toad in disguise?
Have you seen the "nopetopus" meme? It's a short video clip of an octopus hurrying away, which is like being a person hurrying away only more tentacle-y.
@Carol: “Someday this will all be yours.” “What, the curtains?”
Drunk octopus is my favorite. I need that first batch of cupcakes!😂😂
ummm…. the last one sort of looks like Smurf poo
I would totally buy the cupcakes! The blue bowtie decorator might have some talent but had roadkill octopus as guide. I think the red cartwheeled might be a crab with small claw syndrome.
I think the cartwheel octopus is actually a crab.
I just have 2 questions:
1. Why does the sticker on the cupcake box say Deli Rotisserie Chicken??
B. Are we sure Broadway Octopus isn't t Elmo in a costume?
Derp, the blue... octo-poo... lived by the sea 🎶
I have a theory that the blue bowtie octopus is an attempt to cover up a wrong piece of writing...
I haven't looked at those hooks the same way since I first saw the drunk octopus.
And the cakes/cupcakes are perfectly captioned. Well done, Jen (as always)!
That first one is not a cake. Is it?
@Amy, I was sure that he was!
@SaraCVT.. but what's wrong with Derpy? he has huge... tracts of land!
("What, the curtains?" ...snicker)
I actually like the first set of octopus cupcakes. They're clearly not professionally done, but they're cute and whimsical enough that I wouldn't mind taking those for a children's party or even a party of my own.
I like how the octo-crab has a meh face, like the baker said eh... screw it.