Evolution Of The Anniversary Cake

Today is John's and my wedding anniversary, so I've been thinking: Remember how the first few years you always celebrate at some fancy-schmancy restaurant?
("Lhappy Ammversary" is totally how I'm saying it from now on.)
And you not only remember the day - you even remember how many days it's been.
After a while you dial down the festivities, though, and maybe just bring home some take-out and a cake:
(The urge to scratch in an "I" at the end there is overwhelming.)
(YOU'RE WELCOME, tech guys.)
Past the ten year mark you both might start to get a little fuzzy on when and what exactly you're celebrating:
"Here's a cake. Hope I got one of those days right."
"Who are you?"
But hey, at least it's happy.
"TMI, mom & dad. TMI!!"
John and I are still a long way off, but I hear making it to your 50th anniversary is a real education:
"Presenting the 2014 graduates of the Aniversity... of LUUURVE."
So, John, sweetie, Happy Arricorz.
(Changed my mind; THIS is how I'm saying it from now on.)
And here's to 50 more Arricorzes, as we learn to hold on to what's most important:
...like how this baker managed to misspell "I" before someone told him to fix it - and then still missed the "you."
Thanks to Tina G., Sonia Y., Kari J., Natalie L., Jessi C., Ann G., Lisa M., & Johnell. Yow guys are the BEST.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (21)
Happy Anveriscgfyrsfd!! And many more! Your story cracked me up more than the cakes did.
I haven't written in cursive (other than for signatures) since the 5th grade when our teacher told us we didn't have to use cursive anymore. Looks like these decorators were told the same thing. I'll tell you, those "N"s are tricky for us printers.
Not sure which of their teachers told them they didn't have to spell correctly anymore though . . .
Happy anniversary, Jen and John (🎶and many mooore🎶)!
The 3141 days anniversary really should have been done on a pie, not a cake.
I love yow and how you show your love for each other. :D
The marriage of anniversary and adversity = Aniversity
The vows do say: "for better or for worse....
I think what bothers me most is that 3142 isn't an even number of years even accounting for leap days.
The Squire and I were married on Thanksgiving Day, which happened to be the day before his birthday. I want that fourth cake!
Hapi annyversiti!!
It's my wedding anniversary today too! This was the post I needed, right on the day I needed it. We're going out for cheap Mexican fare for dinner, because why not margaritas? We've never had a cake to celebrate our Arricorz, but I like it.
Congraduatins on your ammicorsity.
Wow! It must have been nice to be rich when you were first married and to go to a fancy-schmancy place. We were lucky to afford a bag of fries at McDonald's, or even the bag. But that first picture, where the chef must have been related to some wreckerator, reminds me why we don't go to fancy-schmancy places. What's with the weenie little servings? And the dinner being made to look like some work of art instead of food? If I want art, I'll go to the museum. It's dinner, for crying out loud. As long as it tastes good, it doesn't need to look fancy-schmancy. I don't care if the chef was trained in impressionism, cubism or any other ism. (Okay, now that I have that off my chest, I'll get off my soapbox now).
I do have a couple observations about some of the cakes. That third one, the baker really "wiffed" on that one, and so did the husband for not having him fix it. I wonder how many nights he had to spend on the couch. And on the next to last cake, I didn't think there was any way to abbreviate "anniversary", at least not like that. Just get rid of those pesky vowels, consonants and syllables.
Congradulations on your ammversorry. (And manny more!)
Lhappy Arricorz, Jen and John (THOJ) !
Out of context, I'd have no idea what the penultimate cake means.
Happy aniversity!
Reminds me of friends who celebrate Valentines Day on February 15. Because, you know, you can get candy and flowers half price. Perhaps that's the theme for these cakes, 50% off - slightly imperfect.
Maybe they were hoping that theory that if you used the right first and last letters, peoples brains would supply the rest of the correct letters, was true.
Anyway, Thanks for the good laugh out loud. I needed that today.
I thought the first one was Shappy Anniversary...
On the last one, the impression I get is that there was some uncertainty about who loves yow--is it Bob? Is it Tom? Oh, turns out it is I; I'd better wipe that "Tom" off.
Happy Anniversary Jen & John. May you have many more.
This is such a great website. First one gets hilarious wreckerations, then witty comments.
That 50th Aniversity cake makes me weep. It was so beautiful before they did the writing!