Hush... Or Else

Hush, little baby, don't boo-hoo
Mom's gonna buy you Winnie-the-Pooh
And if that Pooh bear just won't hug
Mama's gonna get you a smiley bug
If that bug should start to bite
Then Sully here will make it right:
But if that monster still won't do
Then oh no! Here comes Mickey the carnivorous sociopath again!
The End.
Today's post has been brought to you by the delightful bedtime storybook, Go the F**k to Sleep.
(Ok, not really, but it seemed appropriate.)
Thanks to Ashleigh S., Erika, Rebecca E., & Medusa for making sure the yolk's on Mickey. (Because I think those are eggs. Maybe. With... chocolate. I'm scared.)
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (16)
Now we know why Jen does Cake Wrecks and never worked in a nursery or as a babysitter.
Pooh Bear needs to take a break from the tanning beds for awhile - he's starting to look like that lady from New Jersey who was in the news a few years back.
Pooh wouldn't look so bad without the eyes, and the caterpillar wouldn't look so bad without the teeth. The others are harder to salvage.
Pooh Bear looks like he needs a Squatty Potty.
Mickey's gonna eat me in my sleep D:
These won't help a baby go to sleep at all... especially the killer Mickey.
M-O-U-S-Eeeeek! That last cake is scary!
I don’t see anything wrong with the Sully one. The caterpillar has a muppet head and Pooh reminds me of intestines...
I haven't known exactly *dozens* of moms who've been deliriously thrilled at bedtimes.... I've heard some who swear, "Look....I kid you NOT: duct tape is your FRIEND. "
I never noticed before that Sully has horns. Go figure.
Both Poohbear and Mickey are evidence of the ongoing opioid crisis. Dayum! Those pinpoint eyes!🤤😒😨
“Be sure and tell them, Mickey Mouse sent ya! HaHaHaHa”
Can't sleep Mickey Mouse is going to come and steal my soul while I dream of scary biting caterpillar cakes lol. Oh man poor deranged Mickey.
Smiling caterpillar looks like he just decided I’m about to be his lunch!
Well, he is the HUNGRY caterpillar
That last cake would definitely result in boo-hooing. The second to last seems ok except that is a LOT of icing