10 Wildly Inappropriate Come-On Cakes

NOTE: No, really, these are wildly inappropriate. Not safe for kids! (Work should be fine, though.)
And now...
10 Wildly Inappropriate Come-On Cakes
for International Flirting Week
Looking for love this month? Then why not try baiting your love hook (ew) with cake?
Punny and to the point. Best of all: No horsing around!
Admittedly, this will only work for half of you.
If you don't have access to cake, you could always write up one of those cute "love coupons."
So many jokes, so many relatives reading this blog.
(Hi, Mom!)
Just remember to keep it clean.
Awwww YEAH. Good times, indeed.
Maybe you don't want your cake to do all the talking, though. Maybe you just want it to be more of a conversation starter. You know, like this:
"You down with it?" [eyebrow waggle]
"Who likes oysters?!"
"Welcome... TO THE GUN SHOW."
Or if you really want to impress, try a quick serenade:
"Oh let me be... YOUR TEDDY BEAR."
And as a last resort, remember: sometimes bribery can work wonders.
"FREE MUSTACHE RI.. [noticing children in the room]... er ... slices!"
"And hey, just so you know: I come with free balloons."
Clean-up on aisle MY MIND, please. [shudder]
Thanks to Allison H., Cortney K., Michelle M., JM, Lauren E., Johnny D., Rosebud, Lara K., Lauren G., & Cat for the pick-me-ups.
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
Reader Comments (15)
Man, all those times I heard the Naughty by Nature rap "O.P.P." as a kid, I had no idea.
I WONDER, now....There really isn't such a ride as a pizza slice, IS there? IS there!
#5 - Who doesn't love the Ontario Provincial Police? https://www.opp.ca/
My ex musta made that oyster cake, cause the wreckerator didn’t know where the pearl is supposed to be. (“Maybe she keeps it in her purse; she keeps everything in there.”)
Even the cake with the teddy bear is wondering WTF lol. Right there in red icicing. Heck seeing the bear makes me want to laugh, cry and then laugh some more. I am in a weird mood and these have made me even worse lol.
I have a vagina, too—but you don’t see ME bragging about it.
Also, I’d love to know what kind of party that teddy bear cake is appropriate for—or maybe not.
Am I the only person in the world who doesn't know what O.P.P. stands for? (Aside from Ontario Provincial Police, of course.)
What party calls for a BDSM bear? O_o
That teddy bear cake: WTF indeed!
Some people celebrate their gender confirmation surgery with cake.
@Patricia You're not the only one, what dirty form does O.P.P stand for? I'm genuinely clueless.
Ok, for all of us who don't know what OPP means, I used the internet to find out. It stands for Other People's Penis or Other People's Pu$$y, apparently asking if people wanted to "get it on".
Cake #6: That is one painful looking Bartholin's cyst! OUCH!!!
Obviously none of the cookie-decorators had a relative in Overland Park Place, senior independent living in Kansas City. The residents, my mom-in-law amoung them, would never believe cake wrecks....
and sometimes I'm not sure I do...