The Spoopy Problem With October Birthdays

A few of you remarked on my use of the word "spoopy" on Epbot last week, so I'd just like to point out that's totally a thing people say and/or write on cakes:
Like all fun new lingo we youngin's use [WHAT I'M YOUNG], this may confuse some of the less hip, less "with it," less "I have a Tumblr account and I know how to use it" crowd.
So just to be clear, bakers, "spoopy" is something you SAY, not something you try to illustrate:
And you thought having a birthday near a major holiday was crappy.
To the utter shock of absolutely no one, it turns out I have TWO spoopy birthday ghosts. This one is cuter, but more confusing:
I mean, why is the ghost spitting out poopy Junior Mints?
Or wait... WAIT.
Are those... Peppermint Patties?
I can't wait to reblog this on Tumblr once I get an account and figure out how to use it.
Thanks to Regina S., Brian M., & Amy S. for the minty fresh spoop.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (15)
Nah, Halloweeny birthdays are the best! Mine is the 29th and I always felt Halloween belonged to me. No one is too stressed out or broke to buy you a present, and you have a readymade theme for your party. No spooping around.
All I can think of is that song from "The Music Man" (which I never understood) "Sha-Poopy" (Why would anyone call a girl THAT?!
1) All I can think of after seeing this is a song - "Hang on Spoopy, Spoopy hang on".
2) Turd sperm?
3) I don't think he's spitting. Did you ever see the Red Dwarf "Backwards" episode where they were in a world where everything went in reverse and Cat went into the bushes at the end?
What??? More black olives??? That's really SPOOPY!!
Spoopy is a perfectly cromulent word.
I thought the ghost was juggling cherries....
"Spoopy" just reminds me of Buddy Hackett.
I think the Junior Mints/Peppermint Patties spell “Amy.” You have to look REALLY hard.
Shirley, thank you. I now can remember that song, which was a mess for my high-school sound crew to tech. I agree, it’s an odd... odd. Yes.
Shipoopi! Yes!
See, but if you have a birthday that falls on a national holiday, you get to say things like, for my birthday, everyone gets the day off!*
*Minus public servants and Macy's workers…sorry, guys.
Besides, Patrick looks totally jazzed about his cake. And who knows what those pizzas in the boxes behind him look like…
(I am trying to have ham for my Turkey Birthday dinner this year, but my family insists it's the turkey holiday. But I prefer the taste of ham. Jen and John, do you have any non-turkey Thanksgiving cake submissions by chance? And I don't mean the cornucopias that look like hams. :P )
Bonus points to Commenter for the Simpsons reference...
why is this so bad
Now I can't eat my junior mints without laughing and wondering what the heck is wrong with the wreckerators lol.