Guest Post For You!

This cake is very ugly!
This cake is showing a dead clown!
Glorious Water Filters Of Joy Helped Me Lost Ten Pounds
"In conclusion, not all water filters are the same. Many water filters are different."
Your Penis Will Need Wheelbarrow: Discount Water Filters
Thanks to Amy B., Jennifer C., Viole, & Valerie F. for reminding me of all the times a news outlet asks to feature a CW slideshow - and then writes their own captions.
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Reader Comments (20)
Love John's cartoon sketches, always so direct and concise but why did the moustache disappear from the last one? Oh wait, maybe that is not a moustache, could it be a breathing device, in which case I am glad his breathing improved. I am beginning to not fell well.
I have relevant comments for this blog. Please let me know if I have relevant comments for your blog.
And, a big "YES", on the "petar" ....or would that be "peetar"?......or maybe even " puitar"?
I think the mustache is really a Twizzler and John (thoj) ate it.
Beware the guitar posing as a penis. ( that autocorrect tried to change to permission!)
Love a good Lorem ipsum reference! :)
D'Marie, Not a mustache, those are his clasped hands.
Love your site, always good for a needed laugh!
I like that you tied in penises (Is there an official term for a gaggle of penises? Peni? ) with water filters. That is true talent. :D
Thanks for the laugh this morning!! hehe...
Google translate your Latin. Because, why not...?
"Lorem ipsum carrots, enhanced rebates, but they do occaecat time and vitality, such as labor and obesity. Over the years come, who nostrud exercise, the school district may not work aliquip advantage from it."
I hope you like my relevant comments for this blog!
I think this is my favorite post of all time!! I especially liked the glorious water filters of joy ! Where can i get some?
This is such a wasted opportunity! I would write about discount water filters for you, for free. Anytime.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, WG10, of course, it is not a moustache but are really his clasped hands. Funny how obvious things are once they are pointed out to you, here all I was seeing was an exceptionally long Fu Man Chu moustache, which really did not seem plausible, when all along it was only clasped hands.
Lovely idea. Somehow I missed this first time around. I'm having so much fun revisiting old favorites, and even this one I missed.
Thanks for brightening up my day!
The correct plural of penis is penes, based on it's Latin roots. Why do so many decorations on cakes end up looking like penes? Is Dr. Ruth still alive? Maybe she could study the situation.
The discount water filters were brilliant. I, too, have much wish to be cakewreck,com contributioner. Please advice me how this to do. Also, my family needs to get money to US. We pay much for this helping.
Thank you.
People! That is neither a mustache, nor clasped hands in the cartoon. It is obviously a water filter. That's why he needs to . . .
Buy water filters cheap.
Excellent! We all need more filtered joy -- unfiltered would be too much!
@ Maryanne - I too, nostrud exercise. In fact, I nostrud exercise so often I think I need a lie-down. After drinking a glass of filtered water, of course.
Glorious Water Filters of Joy!