Celebrating the "Yes" with a bunch of "No"s

There are usually a lot of weddings in June, so I know you're getting sick of all those perfectly lovely wedding and engagement cakes by now, aren't you? [patting your hand] Well don't you worry, dear; that's what I'm here for.
First, fellas, take note: This is NOT how you do it.
"So I was picking up some salami, right? And I see this cupcake thing. Anyway, long story short, I figure, hey, it's cheaper than a real one, and I could go for some nosh right now anyway..."
Once the engagement is set, some couples like to celebrate by getting something big, shiny, and misspelled:
While others like adopting fun new aliases...
Some couples like to keep the guests guessing:
"So did they get their degree, or are they getting married?"
(Answer: getting married. Yes, really.)
Or freaking out the family with something that looks like it should come with a ransom note:
"Pay up, Bub, or your fiance loses her other hand."
Hey, Paula T., Anony, Veronica, Amanda G., & Anony 2, [pointing with two fingers] engage.
(I've always wanted to do that.)
BONUS FUN FACT: Not only is that final cake one of my favorite wrecks of all time, it also had a hand in (get it??) two readers getting engaged back in 2015!
Now that's romance.
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Reader Comments (28)
Am I tripping on Cocoa Puffs...or the palm in that last cake is inverted????
I still see an upward hand palm up and fingers down. 0-o
Curiously, in Brazil we celebrate Valentine's Day today, instead of february.
Kirk would be proud.
@Tere, Nope you're not tripping on Cocoa Puffs LOL. I took another look and you are correct, it does look like what you said you see. Yep, I flipped my own hand over and over just to be sure and I agree, so if you're Crazy for Cocoa Puffs, so am I !!
I just KNOW that upside down hand is going to come back to me in a future nightmare. *shudders*
Ok...Im gonna ask what Im missing on cake 3?
That hand! It has the palm of the right hand and the fingers of the left hand! Its all on one hand!!! Does that make it ambidextrous?
I want a Gradulation cake!!
On the last cake... "Sprinkles on the sides!"
And what... is riding... the carrot... O..o
Cake 3 names are in "quotation marks."
@confuzzled - nothing is missing in cake 3 but it has unnecessary speech marks around the names, making it look like they are aliases for something, or someone, else.
You have to admit, that first hand is very well done.
On cake #3 The names Rebecca and Wayne are in quotations and shouldn't be.
Confuzzed - Their names are in quotes, suggesting those aren't their real names.
On that last one, what's up with the carrot? I don't know what is riding it and more important, why? My head hurts. And of course, the different colors of sprinkles dresses it up.
Ah, I see some newbies are in the room today. That is a world-renowned Mohawk baby carrot jockey, of Cake Wrecks fame. There are numerous CW homages on the last cake. Always fun to see this post, especially on my anniversary!
Ransom note! Haaa!
Dear One who remains nameless,
The last cake is a compilation of many wrecks previously featured on this site. If you scroll up to the top of the page and look on the right hand column, you'll see a list of "the Classics". The carrot is featured in the post labelled Naked Mohawk Baby Carrot Jockeys. And I want Sprinkles is another of the Classics.
I submitted the hand cake wreck! Cracks me up every time I see it reappear
I that one of those old-time glass doorknobs on No. 2?
My brain just went far far away from these cakes so no quip from me lol. Too busy laughing and trying to picture the reactions from the customers.
On Jensy's and Al's cake, in the ring, it looks like there is an opossum looking at ya.
Mona, you're right! Either there's a teeny opossum in that rock, or it's a reflection of a big one looking at the cake! What is going on here?
So doesn't Cake #3 read "Corngratulations OR your engagement"? Which is it? And what are "corngratulations"?
That last one is a total winner!
You know what's funnier about that obvious Cake Wrecks Fan created cake? I've spotted it as part of terrible professional cakes slideshow circulating on Facebook. And reading the list makes it very obvious that the maker of the list was completely oblivious to the fact it was done on purpose! I'll try to find it but is I don't have a link at the bottom it means I couldn't locate it.
KOJohnson, the wreckerator writes lowercase n with an unnecessary flourish loop thingy that makes it look like a capital R.
"Corngratulations" are how you celebrate someone's graduation from the University of Nebraska.
Oh god Tere I see it too I've never been so frightened. D8