Christmas Cheer

OK, team, let's see some holiday spirit!!
[waving pom-poms]
Give me an R!
Give me an H!
Give me an A!
Give me an S!
What's that spell?!
[hip sashay]
Uh-huh, uh-huh, UH-HUH!
Now gimmie a G!
Throw it back in!
"Wait, we mean G!"
Got any extra Ls?
Now just go nuts!
"Ecky ecky ecky pakang ZOOM boing erumferzerserestibleser... "
[trails off into confused mumbles]
[forward somersault into full leg split]
Go marry, Go marry! Go! Go! Go marry!
[collapses into chair]
Ok, gang, take five.
I think my eyes are bleeding.
Well, no matter HOW you spell it, have a Merry Christmas, everyone!
Thanks to Abby, Jennifer S., Susan R., Christopher F., Kerri P., Catherine P., Jessica F., Kae B., Mel A., and George for spelling it out for us.
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Reader Comments (13)
Thank you so much for all the wrecks and Merry X-Merry to you!
And a Hoppy Marry X-Mass to you all at Cake Wrecks, too!
The "Merry / Z-Merry cake seems like some sort of Physics matter/amtimatter thing.
The bakers must be under some kind of curse. It's like someone put a mis-spell on them.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Hey Jen! I follow Epbot, and I know you like Hamilton. Eclipse 6 made this awesome parody about Rudolph, and you should totally check it out. It's called Hamildolph, and you should totally find it on Youtube. Merry Christmas!
Are those prunes in a ball of mashed potatoes?
Mery Cristmax to you both as well and thanks for all the laughs throughout the year.
Prunes are ALWAYS an EXCELLENT choice for the eyes and mouth on a Creepy Decapitated Snowman cake.
Is it me or does X-max sound like a failed marketing strategy from the 90's?
Murrrmyy Chriisttmnats to Jen, John and the WreckerWregulars!!
- Al the K, standing outside at the ready with a jar of prunes and a leftover chunk of Thanksgiving yam in case it snows
Well prunes on that scary crying snowman head would certainly get people going.. far far away from that bakery lol.
Merry X-max to you! Seriously, merry Christmas and thank you for all you do!
Poor Frosty the Pruneman appears to be weeping Tammy Faye Bakker style. Not that I can blame him!