To Be Read By Rod Serling

You unlock this bakery with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension.
A dimension of icing.
A dimension of piping bags.
A dimension of wreckitude.
You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of bad taste and even worse skill. You just crossed over into...
Picture, if you will... a monkey. This monkey:
[resuming serious announcer voice] Ahem. Now picture, if you will, five ravenous-yet-dim-witted Shih Tzu dogs:
Now picture, if you will, a face of terror that watches in malignant silence far beyond your present capacity to understand. A face enigmatically bizarre in terms of time and space. A face...
This is the stuff of fantasy, the thread of imagination, the ingredients... of the Twilight Zone.
Jennifer P., Matt N., Christine S., and Melanie L., picture, if you will... a dolphin eating a Snickers bar in flip-flops and a cardigan. Then tell me what that looks like. I've always wondered.
Note: A couple of people suggested the pictures should be in black and white which was an awesome idea. So we changed them. I think it adds to the ambiance, don't you? For those who really want to see the full color versions, click here.
UPDATE! LeAnna and Woobie took up the dolphin challenge and sent in their ideas.
Reader Comments (16)
They call him Dipper, Dipper, faster than one you see .. is tarter than he!
And we know that Dipper lives in a world full of dun-DER.....flying there un-DER ...
the Influ-ENCE!
Just what I needed for a good giggle XD
I am laughing at SQUEEDLeDEE!! Haha good ol’ twilight zone music
Love the dolphin renderings!
So, when I saw the shih tzu on our right in the front, I wondered what the weird loops were over her/his eyes. After a lot of staring and coffee slurping, I realized that they are bows. On its ears. Yeesh!
That monkey cake will star in my nightmares tonight. Just sayin'.
I personally would have superimposed mister rogers face on the dolphin. Because, you know, cardigan.
Perfect Rod Serling narrative! I was just browsing the archives last night, looked at these in color, and wondered how the bw pictures looked. Wow.
The dolphin pictures are groovy.
Are the meerkats standing in a field of multi-colored poo?
I just totally read that whole post in Rod Serling's voice! I still catch episodes of Twilight Zone on SyFy every now and then. These wrecks are way creepier!
The cakes are fantastically horrible, but I especially love the Snickers wearing a cardigan and flip-flops.
In Australia, we call flip flops thongs, so imagine if you will, a dolphin wearing thongs and a cardigan...
Are the doggy cupcakes lipsyching Bohemian Rhapsody ?
I see a little silhouette of a cake....
Are those meerkats standing in melted meerkats? Why are they celebrating melted meerkats?
These are all terrifying. Perfect for Halloween parties lol. Especially those Meerkat zombie things. Those scare me.
Kudos to Jen for your amazing sound description of the weird Twilight Zone music - "BUM BUM BAAAAAHHHHH... SQUEEDLEDEEEE!!!" - Whenever I hear the music, from now on, I'll be thinking "BUM BUM BAAAAAHHHHH... SQUEEDLEDEEEE!!!" <3
I'm struggling to figure out just what occasion you'd get that meerkat cake for?
And yes, I did hear Rod Serling's voice in my mind
Those "dogs" remind me of the one from Labyrinth, Sir Didymus!