
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Fails To Meet Expectations









Ruffles & Bows:


Wreckage & Woes:




...aaand a miss:


Thanks to Judy, Elly R., Anony M., & Megan A. for helping lower the bar; I think we could all use a drink now.


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Reader Comments (25)

…Can you imagine the colour of everyone's tongue after they eat that last one? Bleeach!

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterShirley

…Or, did the fourth picture say it all?

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterShirley

IA that a Pan-Wow I see over on fail #2?

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterRune

That rainbow swirly inspiration cake does not look that good either, although it is much better than the result cake... O_o

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered Commentermindy1

Couldn't the person who made Wreck #2 as least have used bright colors so it doesn't look like a pile of #2 or somebody finally cleaned the outhouse?

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJane Lewis

Holy cr@p!!!

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMaryO1230

Baker, singing joyfully as he adds the finishing touches…”I did it my way….”

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterjust passing through

That 2nd wreck looks like something my cat horked up, lol

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterElla

The first cake looks like someone went a bit ballistic with a few cans of Silly String! (And by 'a few' I mean around 30)

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJoanne in Looey-Ville

Mmm, the second pair: "You can make me wear my heart on my sleeve, but I'm putting it camo so you still can't see it!"

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered Commenter3Davideo

My prayers and condolences to Las Vegas...

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterVicky

I thought I was all DONE with the 70s......
(And to think~ I threw away my embroidered bell bottoms....SIGH....AND my platform shoes!! )
I think I saved my crocheted belt, though.....unless the moths got it.

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered Commentersendingtheclowns

Frankly, for me the splotchy ocher-ish layer on #4 is screamingly intrusive, so I kinda prefer its equivalent on the miss, which is otherwise a mess.

Number 2 itself strikes me as a unicorn-vomit fail for an aspiration far more graceful; looks like a first-cousin-once-removed from the silly string cake above. Now I'm wondering how the ass-piration for its camouflage dog's-dinner flop might in turn assail our aesthetic sensitivities... I shudder to imagine!

Number 3 doesn't ruffle my feathers nearly so much in comparison to the competition, though it's just a sad batch of booty instead of a beauty.

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPhrogge

the second one looks like a pile of necrotic bowel. Just sayin.

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterSusana

I highly dislike the style of the first cake even in inspiration form - that splatter style should have stayed in 1984 - but the miss upped that monstrosity by turning paint into silly string. Also is it just me, or does that topper look like it's saying "No"? I think perhaps the baker was subconsciously aware of how bad it was...

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDebby

Funkification? More like putrefaction! I think that must have sat in a dark and damp place too long. It looks more like something out of a lab experiment that was forgotten.

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMike

The heart shaped, camouflage, vomit cake was enough to do me in!

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterLizzie

I thought I was all DONE with the 70s......
(And to think~ I threw away my embroidered bell bottoms....SIGH....AND my platform shoes!! )
I think I saved my crocheted belt, though.....unless the moths got it.

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered Commentersendingtheclowns

It's a good thing cake #6 is here. Toilet paper is needed for all the poo lumps!

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterpat gann

Why oh why would you want folded toilet paper decorating your cake?? (#3)

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGrandmajudybeth

I don't understand how that second wreck turned out so badly. The design, colors and materials are all pretty simple. No fancy pipework or fondant. No hard (or illegal) to match characters or intricate details. No unique colors or sparkles or the like.

October 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTifa

Oh man yuck lol. I liked the pretty rainbow swirls and then seeing what they actually got instead.. ewwww. That poor customer.

October 3, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterArlene Marie

It's a camouflage OW baked in a pan wow... yuck!

October 3, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterChicago

Mmmm,heart shaped poo,yummy.

October 4, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterhotclaws

The difference between "layers" and "tiers" is basically lesson one in pastry school. Guess that last baker was sick that day?

March 26, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJo

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