Killer Thrillers (HEEhee!)

[howling wind]
[howling dog]
[howling wind and dog together]
[plus a sprinkling of light rattling chains]
Darkness falls across the land...
Oh. Ok.
The fowl-est stench is in the air...
The FUNK of forty thousand years!
Give or take an eon.
And Grizzly ghouls from EVERY tomb...
Are closing seal your DOOM.
And though you fight to stay alive...
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. I'm missin'myarm, and whereismyface?"
Your body starts to SHIVER. timbers!
(Or maybe that's Orlando Bloom. Hm? LADIES?)
For no MERE MORTAL can resist...
Baby Cthulhu!
... David Caruso riding a unicorn under a double rainbow!
The EVIL...
(Oh. Or that)
Is that supposed to be steak?
Thanks to Melinda M., Sarah C., Natasha, Nell H., John M., Rebecca J., Carrie, Robin L., Wolfie, and P. Humperdink for saving us from having to find a cake for "y'alls neighborhood."
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Reader Comments (25)
Why would one grill a uterus with an IUD?
Maybe I'm crazy, which is a distinct probability, but I like the dragon with green Cheerio's nostrils. The other ones, not so much.
Dear Jen, you are brilliant! Brilliant I say! I think you and hubby should make this into a video! it's awesome, and laugh-out-loud-spit-coffee-onto-my-monitor-funny! Brava!
1) This poor fellow doesn't look so good. Probably has some kind of mallardy.
2) Looks a little bit burnt on the tail. Was he chasing it, got so excited he breathed fire...or...does he shoot fire out the back end, too, and forgot to raise his tail?
3) When the DMV takes your picture, you can't bear to look at it. This certainly wasn't a Kodiak moment.
4) He may look all innocent, but those scattered eggs, the bloody mouth and bloody wool coat say it all. This lamb attacked the Easter Bunny and ate him. That's what I see, what about ewe?
5) Batman had Two-Face, the Tick had Chair-Faced Chippendale, but what superhero fights No-Face? But don't worry, he's unarmed.
6) If this is Orlando Bloom, then this must be the umpteenth sequel - "Pirates of the Caribbean-Attack of the Giant Blue Sea Slugs".
7) I know some people say their children are little monsters, but isn't this a bit premature?
8) I don't know why this unicorn hasn't bucked this idiot off for holding his tail while riding.
9) Isn't this copyright infringement? I think the Rolling Stones will want to know.
Cthulhu? I thought that was a baby Zoidberg!
Good Lord that is awful! That sacrificial lamb with the flag planted in its back gets me every time.
Those patriotic lambs are going to give me nightmares! Yikes!
*Screams patriotically*
Awww, I think the 2nd one (the baby dragon) is cute!!!
Considering some of the wrecks posted over the years, the duck and dragon aren't that bad.
Bloody lamb of doom, thanks for the nightmares that will begin tonight!
The grilled IUD is hilarious. Painfully, hilarious.
At a wedding we attended, the groom's cake was a dragon. The ring bearer came up to the table, inspected both the bridal cake and the dragon, and then announced, "I think I want a piece of tail."
His mother rolled her eyes and shrugged. "They start younger and younger, don't they?"
I think I need some coffee before I look closer at that third one. I have some bruin now.
OMG - THIS UTERUS !!! Uterus-Barbecue - EEEEEEEK! maybe a new trend - instead of burying your newbornbaby´s uterus in your garden at the roots of your appletreee - why not invite your friends for a barbecue?????.........
EEEEEEEEWWWWW This picture wil haunt me for at least a month.....
Y'all the dragon is fine, but left so long it's dusty and gross. Took me a minute. But yeah. Dusty and gross. Still a wreck.
Oooh I thought the dragon was just done in pastels, I didn't get that it was dusty and old, cuz yeah, I thought he was cute too!
“Mike’s” comments have a familiar ring - is this Mel “just passing through” again?
No, I'm not Mel. I do appreciate the comparison. I can only hope to aspire to the punny heights and clever stories that Mel spun.
Thanks, Suzi-Q and Mike for clearing that up. I had the same thought.
Well now that they grilled that uterus I wonder what the wreckerator will come up with next. Or wait I really don't think I want to know they might put it next to those patriotic murderous lambs lol.
Grillin' Time - Nothing like grilled IUD encrusted uteri with poo burgers - Yum, yum!!
I really don't understand why bakers think people want to bring an ugly overfrosted bbq cake to a bbq. "Hey, after we finish these great real steaks, lets eat this cake with barf-inducing fake steaks on it!" Supermarket frosting is disgusting anyway. If it was homemade chocolate frosting, then goop away:-p
What is all that stuff on Orlando's cake? Seriously. What are those things? All the things.
Baby Zoidberg is a good baby cake. Remember the pregnant headless bodies of cake?
It;s bad enough to have a bbq uterus with IUD (although maybe an IUD is considered a condom-ent), but, did they HAVE to add the poop patties?
"Uterus Barbeque" is exactly how I describe the ablation procedure I had done. I should have gotten a cake to celebrate the event! Dangit.