Romance Is Wrecked

It's that time again, gang: "Resurrect Romance Week," aka six months after Valentine's Day, when we're to contemplate reigniting "the spark" with our better halves. (You know, that person currently hogging the remote and scratching his/her unmentionables.)
Sometimes, it's difficult.
(Note how I didn't say "hard.")
Others, it's darned near impossible.
But remember, six months ago, you probably gave said person one of these cakes...
...and there was probably a reason!
(I just realized if you read these from right to left, it's the story of either a totally disastrous or highly successful first date.)
Maybe it was that cute sound she made when she kissed you...
Or the way he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
[whispering] "Huuuuuuge."
Maybe it was the way she rocked a pushup bra...
"Too close. Alittletooclose!"
Or the way he did his sexy dance.
[clown nose honking]
Whatever it was, my friends, just remember, it was something. And you should, uh, remember that.
Thanks to Julianne B., Greg F., Carolyn S., Kate M., Steven H., Angela B., Morgan W., & Lisa G. for proving romance isn't dead; it just needs some cake.
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Reader Comments (19)
Tee Hee, #6 UNI-BOOB!
Y'all just killed me--!AGAIN!--with "[clown nose honking]" the little clown slides into home ! "Heeee's... SAFE!" (Or...IS he...?)
Interesting that you chose this topic today: it's actually my & my DH's wedding anniversary (19, for those keeping score). I could see him deliberately giving me a "Huge Me" cupcake--my butt is WAY too big by my standards, but he claims he likes big butts & he can't deny...
Standing ovation for the decorator of the GTFO cake. They NAILED the art! *mad applause, whistling*
That GTFO cake is brilliant.
After watching news reports about ferguson this weekend, this gave me much needed giggles-thanks :D
Is that ... Fudgie the Whale? Is nothing sacred??!?!
Yay!! Aladdin quote!! :)
And I agree, that GTFO cake is brilliantly done.
I especially appreciate the outie bellybutton on the bikini cake.
GTFO cake...that may be the next cake I buy! Love the Aladdin reference! ;)
She leaned in for the kiss..."Mmmm..." but then the cheap waxy chocolate you bought her had the inevitable effect: "AUH!!"
Next time, buy Godiva. Or Lindt.
GTFO - good realization of the Rober-Raik creation.
I've been tilting my head like a confused puppy, trying to figure out what the "Huge Me" is.
Oozy CCC? Oddly moist-looking frosted cookie? A straight-up pile of icing?
the GTFO is brill! looks exactly like Rage Comics :D
The clown looks decapitated lol. Sheesh. That first cake has me giggling so much right now. Why on earth would you put that on a cake? Just can't stop laughing today thank you so much for the laughs lol.
I needed a laugh desperately. Been going thru a bit of a rough patch. What to do? CAKE WRECKS, of course! Why didn't I think of it earlier?!?!
Then I saw the absolutely brilliant GTFO cake. Totally, uproariously, LOL funny. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jen for making my life brighter & easier today. :-D :-D
The world would be a better place if everyone cked CAKE WRECKS 1st thing every a.m. Thanks much! :-)
#6. Who remembers Whoa? (Kung Pow:
Enter the Fist)
Now, at this site, shouldn't it be "Wresurrect Wromance Week"?
The captions are the BEST!!! You made me snort out loud! Thank you!!