Sunday Sweets For Book Lovers Day

It's Book Lovers Day, my friends, and I know *JUST* how to celebrate!
Assuming you can convince your guests these are actually edible, of course:
(By Cloud 9 Cakes)
Terry Pratchett fans, prepare to have your jaws drop:
(By DeviantArt member Barracude-Bruce's wife)
Or maybe you'll just make stunned sputtering noises, like I did. :) Look at all that detail! Disc World has truly never looked sweeter.
This stunning Les Mis cake has little barricades at the four corners:
(By Cup A Dee Cakes)
Show of hands: who else is humming the soundtrack now?
A fun library design:
And another you'll never believe is cake, made for a Sylvia Plath fan:
(By Sweet Ruby Cakes)
I'm trying to imagine the time this must have taken - all those little keys! - and my mind is positively boggling.
Here's a classic:
(By Über Angel Cakes)
That Shakespeare portrait is hand-painted, and I'm loving the aged leather finish.
Or how about a more modern favorite?
(By Astonishing Cakes, featured here)
I admit it: I haven't read The Fault In Our Stars, because I'm allergic to sad. I know enough to appreciate the cigarettes and some of the sayings, though, and this is truly Sweet.
Can't have a book lover's post without a little Potter magic, of course:
(By TIER Luxury Cakes, who appear to be permanently closed)
I'm delighted that these titles are actually books within books. Very meta.
Another classic, done to perfection:
(By Celebrate With Cake)
I think I speak for us all when I say: thank goodness they went with a rose instead of a horse head. :D
And finally, of all the incredible Sweets today, this is the one I had the most trouble believing was actually cake:
(By Ron Ben-Israel Cakes)
Because wow. Such a brilliant touch with the butterflies, too; they add so much life and color!
Happy Sunday, everyone! Now, let's all go curl up with a good book.
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Reader Comments (23)
Wonderful. Every single one.
Omg those are amazing, I can't believe these are cake, especially the Shakespeare cake
I love them all, especially the Discworld cake! The typewriter is pretty spectacular, too. That would make a great cake for a NaNoWriMo kickoff party. (Assuming you could find a baker who could pull it off, and not wreck it beyond all recognizability.)
Actually, I would have loved a horse-head-at-the-foot-of-the-bed represent-cake-tion!! (OR, a fish-wrapped-in-newspaper cake;which would mean that tonight, Luca Baker eats with the fishes...)
Oh. Swoon. And thank you.
These are sublime! I saw a statistic recently that said that 80% of US households didn't buy a single book last year. I bet they'd change their minds if they knew we had cake!
The Discworld cake! <sniffle> I'll always love Terry Pratchett's books.
They are amazing. I would hesitate before eating but I'd eventually give in because cake is yummy. There should be a cake museum. They all belong in it.
It's times like this that make me want to turn in my icing bag. There are not enough words to praise these cakes. Magnificent only begins to describe them.
The book cake with the unknown baker is from Biscuiteers of London. :)
[Editor's note- Thanks so much! I updated the post. -john (thoJ)]
I always love when you have Harry Potter. I showed my husband and he told me I was a geek. I am totally ok with that.
How can anyone bear to eat these?
We made the Les Mis cake and can't believe we are on this list with these cake artists!!! We had less than 24 hours notice to make this cake so it is amazing that it wasn't a glob. Thanks for including us!
Vintage typewriter cake! (Swooning.) If you're a fan of Sylvia Plath, better to honor her by putting a cake in the oven instead of...nah, I won't finish that tasteless comment.
The crisp bindings on that last one! Wow!
Allergic to sad. That's totally me. Love the Shakespeare cake.
These are fantastic! I'm a long time fan, first time commenter-- Jen, you absolutely must read The Fault in Our Stars even though it is sad. It is worth it!
@Stiria_the_fast_one: That's their loss~ all the more for the rest of us! OR:Let them eat cake (that looks like books)!
Well, strictly speaking that is not the book Les Miserables, rather the musical, but it is fantastique!
I am off to read some more in The Cause of All Nations by Doyle.
I can't imagine life without books. Just was thinking tonight, before I saw today's post, how cool it would be to have a library room in the house, a room with shelf upon shelf filled with books and comfy chairs with footstools. And maybe a little side table for setting a teapot and cup. The multitudes of books in our house are scattered all over; how I wish they were all in one place. My boss is in that 20 percent who don't buy books. He's said on more than one occasion that he can't be bothered. Instead, he reads "news" sites on the Internet and then spouts his skewed political views incessantly. You'd think a newspaper publisher would have a little more respect for books.
I say it every Sunday after I see the Sunday Sweets - wow, wow, WOW! These are breathtaking! My mind is boggled too, Jen :)
Being a librarian I'm TOTALLY in love with ALL of these! Thanks Jen!
My signature line @ work is:
Cats, Books, Life is Good!
Edward Gorey
My wife Anna just got sent this link this morning. She is stunned and amazed to have her cake (The Discworld cake) featured on your Blog.
It was stunning and tasty although I couldn't bring myself to cut it up on my birthday.
Here is her facebook page with other cakes that she has made.
OMG that discworld one killed me! :D luv it