Wrecks of Plenty

According to Wikipedia, the cornucopia - or "horn of plenty" - is typically a hollow, horn-shaped wicker basket filled with various kinds of festive fruit and vegetables.
According to Wreckerators, this is a cornucopia:
Where "festive fruit and vegetables" = "neon holographic plastic flotsam bits."
And this:
"Is that a vomiting tornado in your cart, or are you just sorry to see me?"
I refuse to believe this next one is anything other than a pile of tiny Wizard hats:
How many tiny Gandalfs had to die for this cookie cornucopia cake, huh? HOW MANY??
Fortunately, some of you knew better than to order a cornucopia cake. You ordered one of these lovely turkey ice cream cakes, instead:
So at least you have that to look forward to.
Heh. Aheh.
[keep scrolling]
Oh, I'm sorry, do you still have an appetite? Here, let me help you with that:
Just think, "Charred and slimey." Thaaat oughta do it.
So in conclusion, tomorrow, remember to:
"Goble Goble,"
But only one. Times are tough these days.
A very special "thank" to Diana T., Pam M., Sarah H., Tracy B., Sarah B., Linda S., & Emily G. (You guys will have to share.)
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Reader Comments (33)
Thank, Jen.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and John (thoj) and Tonks and Lilly!
Please...save the turkeys... Eat pie.
The third cake down depicts the Sorting Hat Family Reunion. Why it's being held on a giant cookie is a question that will never be answered.
What is the sputum coming from the vomiting tornado? It looks like barley.
Well, except the purple one is supposed to be a bunch of grapes.
Grapes, wizard hats...potato, poTAHto.
Stop it, you're killing me! (Never have I been so glad that Canadian Thanksgiving is safely behind me.)
Is that actual cooked rice on the vomiting tornado cake? *hurk*
I don't think even the "good" turkey ice cream cake looks good.
(I'm gonna stick with pie...!)
Goble Goble It's Turkey Time
"Well, I'll be a dirty bird."
(Don't forget to invite George to dinner, he's so lonesome.)
Is it just me, or does the third cake (tiny wizard hat one) look like a wreckerated flip-flop? It's poorly shaped, but you can tell if you look at the two black lines as the strap on a flip flop.
What is inside the second cake ? ! Rice and grapes ? Couscous and cherries ??
I don't know why but whenever you right "heh, aheh, heh" I hear Heath Ledger's Joker laugh in my head.
Why are the turkey ice cream cakes so SHINY? There is nothing appetizing about varnished, turkey-shaped ice cream!
*lol* - I believe the *goble goble* on this turkey pie comes from ther German word "göbeln" which is slang for throwing up.
Lots of greetings from Berlin from Christina who absolutely LOVES this site. :)
Surprise! It's strawberry underneath that too-small poop-ucopia with wrapped candy and only one thank.
Going to show my age, and forgive me Lionel Richie, but we must CELEBRATE (c'mon!)
Cor-nu-copia C'mon!
Cor-nu-copia C'mon!
There's a cake wreck going on right here
Can't read the writing
The poo frosting is smeared
So grab a drumstick
Give a thank or two
This baker's gonna make a cake wreck for you
Ice Cream Turkey Cake C'mon!
Cor-nu-copia C'mon
Tiny wizard hats? I think not. It's obviously Smurf poop.
I see a sand worm moving through the desert sand with the happiest little Fremen rider. I can't explain the orange blobs - spice blows, maybe?
...and then I blink, and it' back to vomitnado
We, your gud and faithful wreckies, give thank for the many laugh you have given us. Enjoy you're Thankgiving and goble till you woble!
Those "grapes" on the third one are like Sputnik: spherical, but quite pointy in parts.
ChiaroScuro! I Love Dune! All hail the mighty Shai Hulud, may his passing cleanse the world... With vomit???
Today's winner is the Goble Goble cookie cake for best use of plastic flotsam and correct usage of an apostrophe!
All of a sudden, my Aunt Mertyl's turkey dinner is sounding pretty good...
Well, thank for all the laugh.
That 3rd one is backward Florida. Hee-hee! Excuse the redundant.
The second one (tornado cornucopia) looks like it has wet oatmeal on it. Who does that?!?
@ Cookiemama, well done, indeed!
Yellow tornado actually has chopped walnuts and candied cherries, methinks.
Are you sure the first one isn't a CCC (ptouie) Christmas tree, upside down?
Happy Thanksgiving. May the deserts at your celebration be worthy of a Sunday Sweets post.
The last one is perfect for Thank's-Giving.
What an I doing on the internet on Thanksgiving? I'm not American (yes other people use the net) so its a normal day!
Well the horrific cornucopia cakes are back and yeah I can't spell it but neither can the wreckerators lol. Oh man...
I give thank for the many tiny wizard hats. It is best holiday.
The purple "cornucopia" is actually grapes.
This is my first visit here. It's 11:45 at night, and I live in a flat. My neighbours next door and upstairs have been banging on my wall and ceiling, respectively. Guess my guffaws/snorts/roars of laughter have been disturbing them. I'm usually the quiet neighbour. Thank you for a month's worth of laughter in 40 minutes.
My dad actually got me that turkey ice cream cake for my 9th birthday because that was his nickname for me. My 9 year old self was completely mortified. But on a positive note, it did actually look like the picture.