Ah, where WOULD we be without those helpful hints from our friendly wreckerators?

"WHAT IN HOLY...oh. It says, 'Meow!'
"So it must be something that can imitate a cat."
Sometimes the hints are fairly subtle:
Pssst. You misspelled "Poopy."
While wiser wreckerators go for slightly more direct labeling:

Finally answering the question, "Can I get a what-what?"




Now you're just screwing with us.
And finally, my favorite, no doubt written after someone was asked just a few times too many:

Thanks to Sara A., Julia L., Stephanie L., Sadie P., Rose B., Anne B., Elizabeth S., & Erin F., who are all going, "OoooOOooh, NOW I see it!"
Reader Comments (93)
Visible thongs are an embarrassment in real life. Why would someone intentionally create one?
What? What?
I need coffee.
It's the love-child of a strawberry and a cactus!
If it wasn't for the names on the cakes, we wouldn't be able to tell what they were supposed to be.
*in her best Doctor impression*
"What? What?? WHAT???"
Is number three "what! What! this is the end result when you have too much cake"?
Not gonna lie, the butt cake TOTALLY makes me sing the "What What, In The Butt" song. Yes, it's a song.
well, I suppose at least the baker made correct use of the apostrophe....
The only thing going through my mind on the thong cake is South Park's Butters singing "What What In My Butt"
What? What?
I almost spit my coffee all over the screen. Thanks for the laugh.
*Beating my head repeatedly upon the desk and longing for Epcot*
Yum. some delicious Popcoan.
Personally, I think they all are just screwing with us.
The diploma one?
It is a Doric column on its side maybe.
The rest-I got nuttin.
I swear for a split second I thought the second one was a tribute to Poop.
Use of the mask is very creative.
WTF (What the Frosting)??????
wv – prons: small bits of cake that look like shrimp…
ps – for some reason that third cake has me humming “With a thong in my heart….”
The strawberry cake isn't actually that far off from a prickly pear cactus...
That "strawberry" reminds me of the Peculiar Purple Pieman from Strawberry Shortcake http://ginacarbone.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/peculiarpurplepieman.jpg
My first thought with the "What What" cake was the "What What in the Butt" viral video, which makes that just soooooo much more appetizing...
In other news, did you guys see yesterday's Garfield comic? It totally made me think of you guys, although it's probably not a direct reference. But still, it's fun to pretend :)
I can not believe somoene thought it was a good idea to make a "What what in the butt" cake. Being better executed wouln't make that a good idea.
Thanks, Jen. Now I'm going to have "What What in the Butt" as an earworm. All. Freaking. Day.
@Mel at 10:29-- WIN! I'm stealing that, if you don't mind.
I tried to grow strawberries-they were gross and moldy, but they STILL looked better than that cake.
Now I know what to say to ladies who are in, er, a state of dehabille:
"Pardon me, ma'am, but your What What is showing."
Hey, these guys made some PopCoral! Yeah, I can see that.
The "strawberry" looked like a T-rex footprint where the toe-jam got personality and the "diploma" looked like a dog's bone left after a particularly bad crime scene! Wow.
The first one (and so many others from this blog) reminds me of our cake competition within our Cub Scout Pack...wherein each of the boys (ages 6-11) bakes his own cake and decorates it of his own design. Some of them are quite spectacular..and some are just whipped cream (or other insidious ingredients...you know, shaving cream, mashed potatoes, baked beans) in a graham cracker crust. Yes, at the end of the competition, the boys get to choose to eat the cake, keep the cake...or to throw the cake at a leader of their own choosing. That "cat" would definitely fit the bill for throwing ;)
I can't be the only one thinking "What What in the Butt!"
Well, the rainbow clearly doesn't look like a rainbow because it's actually a rainoow. Totally different thing. I'm not sure how you made the mistake, since it's clearly labelled.
when i saw that diploma i thought the hat was a shark fin with a something in a pool of blood.
and that last ones not a mask IT'S A TRAP!!!!!
What I wanna know is, what are those blue thingys in front of the cat? Claws?
Is that a dog biscuit in front of the "cat"?
Clearly the 'strawberry' is one of the rarely sighted green-mossed unicorn deers, native to North American rocky regions where Bigfoot also dwells. I don't expect many people to know this as the G-MUD doesn't have a wikipedia page. Yet.
Thanks to the what? what? cake, I now have a Trina song stuck in my head. Pull over that a$$ too fat...thanks a lot guys.
I'm with all the What What in my Butt people. Srsly?
WV: teaky--that thong cake is so teaky.
The diploma one isn't that bad—looks more like a scroll than a modern diploma, yes, but who wouldn't prefer a scroll for a diploma over those weird book-like things they give us anyway?
I just can't figure what occasion that thong cake would be appropriate, well executed or not!
I think the strawberry cake looks like a cross between the Heat Miser and Pippi Longstocking.
- DB
#1 It is 'gratifying' to see the next generation of wreckerators getting such an early start. But 6 might be pushing it just a tad...
#2 Announcing the Bakery of Dr. Moreau.
#3 "I hate butt cakes and I cannot buy / you other brothers can't deny..."
#4 What does it all mean?! [sob]
#5 I'm joining the nascent EPCOT and calling 'cactus'. Anyone notice the cupcakes?
#6 "Let's see... g-r-a-d... no, g-r-a-t... heck with it, I'm not winding up on Cake Wrecks for this. I'll just put, 'Diploma'."
#7 'POPCOAN' is a substance that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike popcorn.
#8 It's a CCC. Things are getting pretty bad when flotsam has to be labeled. What's more, the label looks like it was written by a tagger.
Is the last one a mask?
Anonymous said...
It's the love-child of a strawberry and a cactus!
Actually, I was thinking more like the love-child of a strawberry and the Slim Jim dude... ;-)
Also, what's the deal the using heart-shapes for butt cakes? To snag Stephanie's comment (because I am SUCH a 10th Doctor fangirl!!!):
HOLY CRAP! That strawberry cake looks almost exactly like the strawberries my husband has been growing for me!
http://cheeseblarg.blogspot.com/2011/07/i-think-phrase-is-kill-it-with-fire.html" rel="nofollow"> Terrifying!
Greeeeat. Now I'm going to be singing "What what in the butt" to my toddler.
Mother of the year.
So the supposed rainbow or rainoow, no wonder it needed a label. The colors are in the wrong order! ROY G BIV - red orange yellow green blue indigo violet and yet this wreckerator was all pink violet orange yellow! Oh my!
And then the "strawberry" cake is one moldy berry.
And guess what your mouth will look like after a bite of that black frosting!! For the same reason, I will not buy a cake with blue or green frosting.
Dipladocas toe bone diploma, well fossilized.
Nope, am not convinces that's mask. As far as I'm concerned it's a tech bug constantly eating my motherboard.
I didn't need that thong running around in my little brain. Will bypass mental flossing and go for the full gallon of brain bleach. TYVM
I wonder how many of the critics can actually make a cake!
"Rainbow" doesn't explain the yellow stump oozing blood next to it!
Great post! I love these. : )
I loved the What What cake so much I had to send the picture to Samwell.