La La Land

WRECK the halls with cows of folly
Fa la la la laa, la la moo moo
'Tis the season to be sorry
Fa la la la laa, la la boo hoo
Con we now our client Darryl
Fa la laa, la la laa, it comes that waaay!
Troll the surly in-law, Carol
Fa la la la laaa, la la cheapskate
SEE the blazing cheeks before us
Fa la la la laaaaa, la UN-I-BROW
Join the creepy penguin chorus
Fa la la la laaa....
"We're on a mission from God."
Thanks to Elizabeth S., Erin L., Gene H., Jami K., Ted S., & Tiffany F. for reminding everyone it's not too late to get your copy of Wreck the Halls for Christmas. Aw, you guys are the BEST.
P.S. Did you donate your dollar today?
Reader Comments (59)
The one with the ornaments is actually kind of nice until you scroll down and see the giant wedge taken off the side.
Penguins? I thought for sure they were vultures....
Thanks for my Monday morning laugh!
You know, usually... I like cows.
Holy moldy cows, Batman!
OMG!! *whipping away tears* join d creepy penguin chorus!
I honestly thought those first cakes were mold cultures in petri dishes. I couldn't figure out why you were talking about cows, and suddenly, like a Magic Eye puzzle, it clicked into place and I saw the "cows." I'm a former Wisconsinite. I had a favorite cow at each of my grandparents' farms. We take our cows seriously in Wisconsin. On behalf of cows everywhere, some wreckerator has some serious 'splainin' to do. (There will most certainly be no tipping asscociated with these cows...)
As usual, the song/cake pairing is perfect. Unfortunately, you've caused my husband some uncessesary concern -- I was makng coffee this morning, singing "Fa la la la la, la Unibrow. Join the creepy penguin chorus..." when he walked into the kitchen. Judging from the look he gave me, AND the fact he didn't ask why I was singing that, I think I might be getting a 72 hour psychiatric hold for Christmas. (I wonder if there's a Cake Wrecks defense?)
I just love you guys!
zomg...I was totally thinking Blues Brothers on those penguins even before the caption!
And it's a real shame about that ornament cake with the corner cut off - it's really very cute otherwise.
I was gonna say MIB with the penguins, but Blues Brothers is good, too!
This is one of your BEST POSTS EVER! I was singing right along! Thanks for the morning chuckles!
Poor Darryl.
those "penguins" look like the buzzards in Jungle Book
The penquin cake say "traditional" on it. In what country are creepy penquins a tradition? Great post as usual.
I read the "This IS your present" on in the voice of Anne Robinson. This cake IS the weakest link. Good bye.
Those first ones look more like pigs to me.
I was given a signed copy of Wreck the Halls at a Xmas party this weekend and literally squealed with delight! I think I weirded some other guests out, but the awesome gal who gave me the gift immediately flipped through the book with me and we laughed until we teared up.
Singalong posts make me giggle XD XD XD
The cake with the cut off chunk, that is a fake cake they have at Costco. They have the "missing" chunk so potential customers can see what the cake looks like from under the icing. So I really don't qualify this a wreck in my book.
Otherwise, the penguins are freaking fantastic.
Todays cakes are like things you'd see on a really bad acid trip.
Not that I would know about such things ...
The cake with the ornaments looks like a display cake from Costco. It's to show what kind of filling is in each cake. My kids beg me to buy one every time we go shopping there.
Well clearly, the ornament cake is from a cheap bakery that "cuts corners".
(cue rim shot)
And what is up with those penguins? They look like they've been sent to make you pay up or they're going to bust your kneecaps!
With the round plastic containers on the cows, they look like something is growing in a petri dish! Oh horrible memories of bio class.
Great captions! Great wrecks!
"We have a half-pack of Camels, a third of a tank of gas, and we're wearing sunglasses at night... Oh yeah, and we're penguins..."
I'm pretty sure those penguins are coming for Gary; they heard about last week's "penguins aren't Christmassy" rant.
You had me at Cows of Folly, but the penguins put the icing on the song. I love you guys.
I think it's time for another musical post. We've all been really well behaved, and it's been a while since the last one. We would then have a Nightmare Before Christmas one *and* a Christmas one! Yay! Sooooo, please get YouTubing, Jen and John! (And I don't know about other people, but I donated monies. So a video would be nice!)
I'm with Gary.
Stoner penguins out behind the ice floe...fa la la la la- U-ni-brow!
I'm so thorough, I've ended up with two copies of Wreck the Halls! I forgot that I put it on my Christmas wish list way back in July and then I bought my own copy when it came out. When I unpacked the (wrapped) packages from my parents, one of them feels suspiciously a future birthday gift for a friend! LOL
Great post!!
*am now singing to myself..."join the creepy penguin chorus"...*
#1 I see the cows and the culture dishes. These must have come from a dairy QA lab.
#3 Boss: "What's the meaning of this missing corner?!" Wreckerator: [Wiping mouth] "I did it that way so potential customers could see how the cake looks from under the frosting." Boss: "Good job, Bevis. I'm pretty sure they can get the idea from just one or two, though. Stay away from the coffee."
#5 Check the frosting thickness. "Fa la la la la, su-gar co-ma."
#6 "Yo. My associates and I just wanted to remind youse that we're from the south, and we don't appreciate being moved around at will. Polar bears, they got the north. Penguins, south. They don't move in on us, we leave them alone. It's like a tradition. Got it? Good. We don't want to have to insist or anything -- that could get messy." [Others:] "Yeah, real messy. Heh heh. Heh heh heh."
I sorta liked the creepy penguin chorus. They look like the stereotypical toughs with the hearts of gold.
This. Is. Hilarious. I giggled and sang along through the whole thing. :D
Each ornament is
one-third of a frosting can.
OMG, when I first glanced at the penguins I thought they were ZZ Top...
I think those penguins are really supposed to be vultures....
I thought those were pigs! Anyhow, you guys get an "A" for creativity! LOL!!
Unibrow or double mustache? That is my question.
The snowman is melting. All that remains is the top of his head. Yummy.
Don't all cool penguins wear shades? The glare off the snow makes sunglasses even more essential than during summer. They're smart. And you're mocking them for it. Well, we'll see who laughs last when you're suffering vision loss and they're still looking sweet. And yummy.
"We're on a mission from God."
*wipes tears of laughter from her eyes*
Am I the only one who thinks the penguins looks like gansta chickens in black hoodies??? or perhaps really Really REALLY creepy nuns??? Yep... guess I am ;(
Hmmm... Traditional Penguins... Maybe South Africa with its Jackass Penguins(real name) that invade people's homes, yards, and roads for nesting purposes? And they live there year-round so no wimpy snow for them in summer!
Add me to the Blues Brothers group. And, "sir, I knew a cow. And that is not a cow!"
Those "cows" look more porcine than bovine to me. Perhaps the rare Olde Molde Spotted breed?
Zoomom said:
"I'm pretty sure those penguins are coming for Gary; they heard about last week's "penguins aren't Christmassy" rant."
Aaaaaagh! They're onto me!
@Gary I’ve heard that moldy cow icing makes you trip, too. Had you been cow licking?
“Creepy penguin chorus” was funny until I read Craig’s comment.
(Can you imagine them with an old cop car driving around Antarctica? Why didn’t Gary Larson think of that one? Don’t you imagine he’s a Blues Brothers kind of guy?)
Some of the snowman’s teeth are totally rotted and some are just cavity filled.
Instant replay for the alleged display cake- what it says “Mary” and then the dot for the I is over the R in “Christmas.” Official call: “It’s a wreck!”
luvin the penguins.
i wonder why part of that cake was cut off.
i would love if someone gave me a giant cookie!
okay, if the one with the corner cut off is to demonstrate what's underneath the icing ... they didn't need to do that. They didn't bother to ice the sides, so you can see what's inside anyway!
That first one looks like a cell culture I once had to discard...
Would you make us one of your songy videos with that? Pretty please?