National Cupcake Day

I'm told that today is National Cupcake Day. So, we could celebrate all that's good about these mini-cakes in paper wrappers, and look at beautiful examples of them made by talented people...
We could take a little refresher course on why Cupcake Cakes are evil. After all, what better way to celebrate the cupcake than by protecting it from unholy perversions which must be stopped before cake art as we know it is ruined beyond all saving!?!
[patting down hair]
Yeah, I like Option B better, too.
There are two types of CCCs: your basic, all-slathered-together model:
And the "mosaic" style, wherein the cupcakes are each iced separately:As you can see, both types of CCC are what baking industry insiders refer to as "fugly."
Plus, cupcake cakes come with enough frosting to induce a diabetic coma merely by being within a ten-foot radius. Usually we're spared this sight because CCC photos are taken from directly overhead, but you can sort of see what I'm talking about here:

CCCs almost always result in shapes that baffle the imagination. If you wanted to put that in a positive light (which I don't) you could say they're like edible Rorschach tests (so I won't). And so one person's hamburger becomes another's highway o' caterpillars:
One person's flip-flops becomes another's necklace-wearing alien blobs with hives:
Or one person's [Note to John: what the heck is this? Find out and insert here] becomes another's Mardi Gras cactus mask:
Others write us little clues on the cake board:

Related Wreckage: Cupcake Cakes: Always Wrecktastic. Always.
Reader Comments (169)
I can't believe someone made a POOCHIE CCC...and that I could actually recognize it! Mad props to whoever bridled their restraint and pulled it off!!! I would so buy one if it showed up at my local bakery.
A poodle CCC? Ick.
Cupcakes are awesome. CCCs defeat the purpose of cupcakes: Cakey goodness without getting icing all over your hands.
I took one look at the football CCC and thought "It's a giant turd. With tapeworms."
Seriously, four years of vet school does weird things to your head.
You really haven't experienced cakewrecks until you have perused it with a recent Ethiopian adoptee who just keeps repeating two English words that he knows. To wit: cake & nasty.
I'm pretty sure we've all agreed that cupcake mosaics are badarse, though no harder to wreck than ordinary cakes.
I think the two pink ones with flowers are suppose to be flip flops LOL! The plane one is suppose to be a sea turtle with bubbles, I think.
I love this blog!
LoL A lot of those really are up to interpretation.
Reading the blog behind me my mom goes what the **** that would make me cry what is that suppost to be
Could the green cactus looking thing possibly be the mask from the movie THE MASK?
LMAO!! I LOVE your commentary!! Buuuttt, the 2nd one is upside down, and it is actually a fish with little air bubbles that should be going up. And the "flying pickle" is actually a Saguaro cactus, and would actually look more like one if they would have removed the 3 cupcakes that are between the "arms" and the "trunk" of the cactus (what were they thinking?). And lastly,I think the "football" is actually a depiction of 4 glowworms getting ready to mud-wrestle (I could be wrong!). I think you are spot-on for the rest of them! Love ya! Keep up the great work! - Frank
Oh ye gods -snort- this is still my favourite cake wreck of them all, because the phrase "highway o' caterpillars" makes me laugh every single time I read it!
"necklace-wearing alien blobs with hives"
Possibly the greatest descriptive line I have read in ages! LOL - LOVE IT!
I hear ya on the "No Intelligent Life" one. Let us bask in the glow of the irony (*Basking in irony*)
That football one...what's the point? Why not just ice each cupcake individually and say, "Hey, come get your chocolate cupcake!"
That last one is totally supposed to be a Shampoodle! It's a toy from the 90's...and I had one.
Here is the white-and-pink version next to a real dog. :)
It looks like a green wolf with a serious acne problem.
the "flying pickle" is a cactus, and the fish one is upside down, just like @Jasini said!
I just got introduced to this site by a friend. I can't help but think that the flying pickle is actually the head of a skinned alligator with some Christmas lights thrown on.
PMSL ... for the first time. I've laughed until I've cried before while reading this blog, but this is my first award of the coveted "PMSL". Congratulations (I DID spell that correctly, didn't I?).