National Cupcake Day

I'm told that today is National Cupcake Day. So, we could celebrate all that's good about these mini-cakes in paper wrappers, and look at beautiful examples of them made by talented people...
We could take a little refresher course on why Cupcake Cakes are evil. After all, what better way to celebrate the cupcake than by protecting it from unholy perversions which must be stopped before cake art as we know it is ruined beyond all saving!?!
[patting down hair]
Yeah, I like Option B better, too.
There are two types of CCCs: your basic, all-slathered-together model:
And the "mosaic" style, wherein the cupcakes are each iced separately:As you can see, both types of CCC are what baking industry insiders refer to as "fugly."
Plus, cupcake cakes come with enough frosting to induce a diabetic coma merely by being within a ten-foot radius. Usually we're spared this sight because CCC photos are taken from directly overhead, but you can sort of see what I'm talking about here:

CCCs almost always result in shapes that baffle the imagination. If you wanted to put that in a positive light (which I don't) you could say they're like edible Rorschach tests (so I won't). And so one person's hamburger becomes another's highway o' caterpillars:
One person's flip-flops becomes another's necklace-wearing alien blobs with hives:
Or one person's [Note to John: what the heck is this? Find out and insert here] becomes another's Mardi Gras cactus mask:
Others write us little clues on the cake board:

Related Wreckage: Cupcake Cakes: Always Wrecktastic. Always.
Reader Comments (169)
The last one looks like someone dressed up Philippe from Achewood to be a very pretty lady.
I´m pretty sure that green thingy is a distorted alien head with really bad acne.
I like the flying pickle/ mardi gras cactus mask. All aboard Air Gherkin!
I kind of like Poodleface.
LMLFAO! many things, lol. Is that supposed to be a beach ball?! LMFAO! I thought the "Sombrero" looked more like an fugly Magic Carpet, lol, or maybe a towel? LMFAO @ the Frogger interpretation of the hamburger, I agree, lol. The flip flops look like bears pimpin some ugly bling to me, lol. I'm sad to say that my first thought when I saw the cactus one was jock strap, LMFAO! I think Mardi Gras mask is more likely, lol. I think the mustache on the dog is supposed to be part of the snout, lol, people tend to do an upside-down Y for that, but it didn't work right, LMFAO! Those were great!
I just asked my 6 yr old what he thought the green one was and he said "I think its a dinosaur foot print"
I see that narkej had the same thought!
I think the Mardi Gras cactus mask is supposed to be a dragon or a lizard. Maybe. If the empty spots are eyes anyway...Who knows? There are things in life we are all better now knowing (I normally include calorie counts in that category) and the purpose of this CCC could be one of them.
[throwing down spatula] "Meh, it's a football. Time for my break."
LMAO! this CCC Wreck was AWFULly BAD! But the commentary, was as delightful and snort-inducing as ever!
I can't believe I'm the first person to mention this after 108 posted comments, but...
I think the "cactus" cake is a horribly wrecktastic version of a Romulan Warbird, ST:TNG-style. You know, the big green ones with that open area between the top and bottom hulls. I'm disappointed, Jen!
Thanks for telling us what the cakes were supposed to be, I had the hardest time!
I thought #4 (apparently allegedly supposed to be a hamburger) was a badly done basket of flowers.
(Note to Jen/John: please disregard this comment being posted on a different post. It's supposed to be here on the CCC post, and I have no idea what happened, but I noticed it just a split second AFTER I hit Send.)
I spotted a better looking cactus CCC at my local Walmart. I actually thought they did a decent job on it. At least for a CCC anyway lol. Its waaaaaaaay better than the pickle one thats for sure.
Here it is.
I love when they make a circle out of cupcakes - because, ya know, they just don't MAKE round cake pans.....
i got to say, i just loved this blog, it so made my day, and a smile on my face too. thanks loved the end, it was great!
The worst part for me about the sombrero CCC is the ripped cardboard stabilizer underneath!Nothing says professional like raggedy edges.
That last one's a poodle? Honestly? All I could see was an old lady with serious facial hair issues.
Horserider and Becky, I think that IS supposed to be Texas. What's worse, it looks like a weather map. Those little black swirlies look like the graphic that depicts tornados. If that's true we're in a lot of trouble here, that's a LOT of tornado action!
I must share, okay, I must admit... *GASP* that I bought a butterfly cup cake 'cake' for my daughter's 4th birthday.
When we got home, it was more of a 'Monet' painting as it was not secured on the bottom and they all slid around completely destroying the 'butterfly'!
If I knew I'd find such a great blog years later, I'd have taken a picture LOL
Great post. I had trouble reading your intro though because of an all bran add.
Stupid Kellogg's ad is covering part of your text. Even "close" doesn't make it small enough.
FYI: Couldn't read it as Kellogs advertisment was covering it up. When I hit 'close X', it covered half. I am sure it was funny and cute as always.
I looked at the first one and thought, "Who plucked the NBC Peacock?"
Then I thought ... and thought ... and thought.
And I gave up.
Love the Hell's Kitchen reference. I am totally in love with Chef Ramsay!
I think that cactus/pickle is supposed to be Baby Bop from Barney. Maybe.
I got that sick sugary feeling you get from eating cupcakes just by looking at all those pictures.
That last one looks like Ultra Peanut!
Is that last one meant to be Poochie?
yeah, i TOTALLY didn't see a hamburger there - *i* saw a game of frogger...
Oh my gosh! I have so much fun looking at these wrecks! :)
@miss_k, seeing that as a game of Frogger works too. I was still waking up when I first looked at that and got a badly done basket of flowers.
Talk about your sugary Rorschach! :)
My husband looked at the brown one and said "Is that a poop surfboard?"
I don't understand how you can hate them that badly. They all can't be all bad right? There has to be some pretty ones. Right? I don't know I guess I'm just optimistic about it. I like to hope that all sugar treats can be delicious and pretty. But maybe I just live in a fantasy land.(Similar to the one found in Homer Simpson's chocolate bunny daydream.)
Glad you were able to identify the brown blob. Most sportsmanlike!
Entirely randomly, today is my birthday and a friend gave me six cupcakes from a local bakery called the Cupcake Station! Happily, they were all individual cupcakes, living in blissful independence, with their own types of frosting. They are cute and delicious and exactly how cupcakes should be, and it's only fitting that it happens to be National Cupcake Day!
Wait, isn't the green mardi gras mask really a close up of a sock-filled speedo (or banana hammock thong)????
The flying pickle/cactus one almost looks like the head of the head alien in Lilo and Stitch.....
CCC's should be banned. I say we start a grass roots revolution to stop this blasphemous trend! I just love that they're all so horribly (and wonderfully) shaped!
If you look real closely at that green mask/cactus thingy, it appears to have little singing faces and music notes on it - so maybe it's a park? Or something?
I thought the football was a baguette! But the flying pickle looks like a cactus, imho. :)
Love the post. :)
Trying to do cake art with cup cakes is like trying to use just a few, giant, pixels to make a digital photo - it's way too clumsy and it just doesn't work!
You ask what's worse regarding the "sombrero"...
To me it looks like the taco bell logo, but the WORST part is that its on a torn, recycled piece of cardboard.
say it with me now... EEEEwwwwww
I think that last one is supposed to be Dolores Umbridge + mustache from Harry Potter.
What IS that first one anyway? A hot air balloon?
That green cactus mask looks like a Romulan ship from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
What is that last one? Poochie? Does anyone else remember Poochie? I'm not talking about Itchy & Scratchy's third wheel, this was a pink-haired brushable toy dog from the '80s.
I thinks that unidentifiable CCC may be a dinosaur track. I only say this because my 6 1/2 year old is a dinosaur freak, and that's what it reminds me of.
OMG I just almost wet myself reading this post. You've got another follower.
I think the second one is upside-down and meant to be a fish. The little circles drawn on the cakeboard are suppose to be bubbles rising from it's head. Also, that white cupcake at the end has an eye and half a smile piped on. It's definitely upside-down.
ittleravenshop said...
That green cactus mask looks like a Romulan ship from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
What is that last one? Poochie? Does anyone else remember Poochie? I'm not talking about Itchy & Scratchy's third wheel, this was a pink-haired brushable toy dog from the '80s
HI , i recently found this blog and I looked through almost all of the old submissions. This is my first post.
It has been a long time since I ve laughed out loud so much. SOme of the cakes are sooo funny..
Yep Poochie was around when I was a little girl in the 80's .Every thign of her was heart shaped her rug, bath ,etc oh and pink too.
Im also a recent fan Of ST:TNG- im going to take a look at the mask
you say football, I say baked potato with fork incisions to vent.
First, thanks for a great website, just too, too funny! Here's something you might want to look at, it's a silicon cake pan that has two make a Giant Cupcake cake! I immediately thought of you!
It "measures 15-1/4" x 8-1/8" x 3-1/2" overall; the finished cake measures approx. 7" x 6-3/4" dia."
You know what that quote-unquote "sombrero cake" reminds me of?
I bet you that's just how the birthday boy felt after seeing that quote-unquote "cake".