"Hey everybody, thish cake ish from Holland. Ishn't that veird?"

Brace yourself, my friends, for what you're about to see may haunt your dreams for the rest of your natural lives, and will most certainly turn you off of acrylic nails.
Here it comes...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the baby shower, they went and added...
Ok, what's worse: the bone-white skin pallor, popped-out belly button that looks like the tied-off end of a balloon, or the fact that Thing-ette there seems to be sucking the life-force out of Octo-Mom Wraith-style?
Now, I have pudgy little Hobbit hands, so my basis of reference is off: tell me, is that hand as disproportionally gargantuan as I think it is?
Kevin V., you musht be toight like a toyger*. Schmoke and a pancake?
*Ok, so the pop-culture references got a little out of hand** in this post. Sorry.
**Get it? Out of hand? Booyah!
Reader Comments (266)
stripper for sure. Look at the totally non-subtle nipples too. HA.
You. crack. me. up. I saw "Wraith-style" and spit water all over my monitor. Definitely one of those B-movies that 'sucks you in'. The cake has the skin-coloring of Rughead, for sure.
This is so disturbing, but I can't stop looking!!
lol Check the nails on this cake! Why?! xx
As an OB nurse, I can't tell you how disturbing this is! Do I see areolae and nipples there, or is that just the lactation consultant in me? No one should handle a newborn with nails like that! But they do give a certain patriotic flair. Is that the flag of France under the cake? Because that could explain a lot.
aaah!.that is one creeepyy cake. imagine someone unveiling that to the mum-to-be
mtb:'aw thanks'
so, er heres your cake:)'
*unveils it*
'cake foetus or massive hand? '.
mtb: o.O
-imogen x
Is it just me, or are those nips wall-eyed?
Did they really need to make the nipples hard? lmao I wonder if this was the baker's (and I use that term loosely) doing, or at the request of the customer...?
On the other hand..... AUUUUUUUrrrrrgh,
yuck. just, oh ew. how come you didn't mention the nipples?! didn't you see the nipples?! what an alien. that cake is an alien!
Is the belly button an unused condom?
Did anyone else notice the nipples or just me?
I have pudgy, fat-fat hands so i don't think they are supposed to be THAT long.
That bellybutton looks like it was made with a quarter.
they're expecting Slenderbaby
My family is Dutch, and your accent isn't correct at all. And what the heck is the schmoke and pancake BS? Make fun of the Dutch all you want, but for crying out loud, please do it correctly! Dutch treat, going Dutch, Dutch chocolate, etc. Thanks from your Nederlander readers.
Whoa. I'm very pale- and that makes me look sooo tanned...
Oh and bonus points for the Stargate reference.... :)