"Hey everybody, thish cake ish from Holland. Ishn't that veird?"

Brace yourself, my friends, for what you're about to see may haunt your dreams for the rest of your natural lives, and will most certainly turn you off of acrylic nails.
Here it comes...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the baby shower, they went and added...
Ok, what's worse: the bone-white skin pallor, popped-out belly button that looks like the tied-off end of a balloon, or the fact that Thing-ette there seems to be sucking the life-force out of Octo-Mom Wraith-style?
Now, I have pudgy little Hobbit hands, so my basis of reference is off: tell me, is that hand as disproportionally gargantuan as I think it is?
Kevin V., you musht be toight like a toyger*. Schmoke and a pancake?
*Ok, so the pop-culture references got a little out of hand** in this post. Sorry.
**Get it? Out of hand? Booyah!
Reader Comments (266)
It reminds me of Cruella DeVille... pale skin, freakishly long, thin, gaunt fingers...
Those are just the kind of fingernails Cruella would sport, too!
like the belly and boobage wasn't enough? wow, and no your are correct that's one gigantic hand i ever saw, she could hold that baby with just one!
The hand would be a bit small compared to mine, but I have "man hands".
I think it's the fingers that are out of proportion and..........ewwwww, gah.
That belly button is disgusting!! And you are right...that hand is unusually large! The fingernails...all I can say is YUCK!
I just love that the word "booyah" was used in this post! HI-larious.
Is it just me or does the "belly button" for this cake look actually look like something that is designed to avoid this whole pregnancy situation in the first place?
Actually, that's pretty much the proportions of my hand, minus the fake nails of tackiness and doom.
Despite the creepiness of the hand, my eyes were drawn to the nipples.
I wonder what they used for them. Skittles?
Wow - that's scary! But, I do have extremely large, long fingers myself so it doesn't look too disportionate to me. I have an almost 3 octave reach on the piano.
But still... that cake is SKEERY.
Aliens have nipples....who knew?
Rebecca :D
I gotta HAND it to ya....
I can't decide if the freaky nails are the worst part, of if they draw attention away from the evil hand of doom. We won't even discuss the nipples. Shudder.
Well, you warned me...
Why are the nipples poking on this pregnancy cake as well? Creepy.
The only thing creepier about this cake is the fact that you have to cut into the belly to eat it. Yum...baby. *cringe*
and the nipples! it must get chilly with one's shirt pulled up like that
Who would want to cut into this???
Can't you just see the shirt this one would make? A maternity shirt! It would be great.
Don't forget that one of her nipples is visible through her shirt. Sexy.
Your totally right, the hand is super huge. I don't know anyone that could actually basketball grip an entire pregnant tummy.
My favorite part of this cake however is the nipples.
Those fingers are about 11 feet long! Yikes!
WV: entens - the cake decorator actually entens for the cake to look like THAT???
That looks like a French manicure to me. :-)
That hand does look weirdly disproportionate. Like there's an alien standing behind her, holding onto her balloon...I mean, belly. And what is with the extremely prominent nipples? Mom-to-be must be cold...
i have no words. . .
it's certainly rather goolish...and large in preportion to the belly
That is one seriously creepy cake.
Yeah, I agree, those fingers are super long! I have short stubby ones too, so maybe I shouldn't judge. But they do seem really long and alien-like.
Plus..er, um....is it cold in there? Are cake-torsos just naturally cold or something?
Whoa! Those links need warnings! Way creepier than the creepy cake, which was totally creepy! =)
can you imagine getting the piece with the nips?!? I'd lose my lunch.
Is it a July 4th Baby perhaps? that's gotta be the reason for the nails right?
eww. just eww.
Yikes!!! I don't think I could bring myself to eat one of those terrifying fingers. You didn't even mention the lumpy boobs- what's going on there??
Wow. Is it just me or does that look like Mickey Mouse with a bloated face?
why does it seem like all these cakes with severed pregnant torsos are also a bit cold? they all have crazy nippleage...
That is just awful
word verification: domentam
Domentam angry or they'll send the creepy hand of acrylic nail-land after you! Eek!
Oh, and you have made a Dr. Who AND Atlantis reference on this site so far! I'm in love! =P
It's gwen stefani BEFORE the holy baby zuma!!
wow....just wow
I think you're correct. That hand definitely looks way bigger than it should... I don't think even my hand would look like that, and I've got super-big mannish hands.
Are we sure it's not an ice cream cake? She certainly looks cold...
and, this alien is quite... perky, to say the least.
oy vey.
Yeah, as if the alien freak hand and nails (shudder) weren't enough, the right nipple is disturbing! I'm just waiting for the sheet to fly off the top of the cake and those giant boobs to pop out! Do people not have any sense of decency? I don't know if it's a baby or just indigestion!
O.o Oh yikes, that is freaky! And lol - Wraith Queen was totally my first thought, too!
I love, love, love what a nerd you are.
I want to be your neighbor. T_T
So much to love about this cake, really.
Seriously, the mom to be is wearing a belly shirt, has huge boobs, hard nips, and a scary manicure. Obviously, the expectant mom is a stripper.
As for the prominent nips....
you know they probably had the cake in the fridge at some point, so that probably explains that...
This is just hideous. Looks like the results of a chance encounter between a pregnant lady and the T-virus
brainnns, brainnns...
LOL -- I love it! (My hand is the opposite of pale, since I am emphatically not white, but I am very tall and thus do have those long spider fingers. Of course, I do not emphasise them by putting my country's flag all over them on long-@$$ nails...)
I think it is the freakishly long nails that are throwing the whole thing off. Which is not to say that it would be any better with normal length nails...