In So Many Words...

Today's Wrecks speak for themselves. Or at least attempt to.
I find myself wishing this said "holladay", just so I could work in a lame Gwen Stefani reference. But since I'm just a girl (in the world), I guess I'll leave that up to you guys.
Now that's a stingy well-wisher.
What's worse: making this cake, or serving it to all your employees at the company Christmas party?
Ignorance can be beautiful. Unless of course this snowman is named "Happe", and belongs to someone named "Holidey".
"Mercy" is right; get a load of what Rudolf is holding!
[singing] "I'll have a POO Christmas, without youuuu..."
Careful; buying this cookie "cake" may enter you into a binding legal contract.
And lastly, an oddly emphatic proposal:
Christnos, you sly dog, you, I bet you get this cake for all the girls. [wink]
In case these failed to get the message across: Merry Christmas, all. May your day be sweet and utterly wreck-less .
Many thanks to holiday Wreckporters Jenn S., Irene D., Bergen W., Todd T., Abby, Jennifer L., Jessica C., and Angela M.!
Reader Comments (79)
Thanks for a good Christmas laugh :)
I often hope that these cakes are from non-English speaking countries.
The "Santa Clause" one is not really a missed spelling. I live in Canada and was taught in grade school to spell it with a "e" at the end.
Merry, Merry Christmas!!! This is the best batch ever. I spit eggnog all over my laptop!!! Best wishes to Happe, Christnos and all the intrepid cake decorators at bakeries everywhere who don't allow themselves to be limited by spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Marrychrist Mas to you! Hope you have a great hollideys.
Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for all the laughs this past year!!!!
Marry Christnos everybody!
And a Hapy New Yeor!
and even Christmas Day she finds time to remember those addicted to wrecks.
Happy Holldays to you too.
Thank you for the Christmas morning laugh - these are great! I think I especially like the marriage proposal, or shall we say, order.
Hope you are enjoying the day with your family!
Thanks, and marry Christnos to you too! At least I can be assured I won't have any of those cakes today.
POO Christmas! LMAO!!
And thus, my heart was grieved at the slaughtering of simple Christmas greetings slapped upon innocent cakes...
Merry Christmas!
~Amy B
I love how the "e" in Clause is squeezed in there. They just couldn't resist, they knew it was correct but then...the piping just took over!
Stacey Morgan
Thanks, Jen, for the gift of laughter! ...MarryChrist Mas two you and "John"...
Not one single Hannukah wreck. Is that because you really can't misspell Hanukkah? Or is it Hannukkah, Chanukah, Channukah...
Rudolph brings all new meaning to the "Yule Log" ;)
I hope everyone has a Marry Christnos. "I DO!".
And what a delightful pressie to get this morning!
Merry Christmas, Jen! Thanks for all the laughs.
i'll bet the pink "Merrychrist Mas" cake is a disgruntled employee's response to being force to be politically correct. No tension in THAT
These are priceless!!
I kinda like the Santa Clause mitten cookie.
Merrychrist Mas to you and yours as well Jen!
Wv: unkshil - describes the makers of these cakes.
Brianna McCarthy @ Passion.Fruit
Hey Terrib,
Don't forget, Kwanzaa is tomorrow and Hanukkah goes until the 29th. Just saying you never know what's coming so WATCH OUT!!!
For the first one , I almost wish it said "Hollyday"
Marrychrist Nos!
Thanks for so much wrecktainment, all year long and especially this Christmas! As long as there's chocolate icing, I know we'll keep on laughing (and maybe a little gagging, too) into the new year.
Marry Christmos to you too!
I am gnawing on my cell phone because I have a truly wonderful cake wreck picture I took with it. But I cannot figure out how to get it to my computer. *sigh*
It was a deranged Christmas tree cake that looked like it was going to eat me. With what resembled embedded green candy corn teeth, no less.
However, those wrecks there look sufficiently wrecky. :)
Happy Christmas, everyone.
Canadian, your grade school teacher had a screw loose. Legal clauses are spelled with the e. Santa Claus without.
May the cakes be the only part of everyone's Christmas that is not letter perfect.
I like to think that the decorator had written "Santa Claus" on the mittens appropriately, but another person came along and thought they were "helping" or "saving" the other guy by "fixing" it.
Canadian -
Just because you were taught to spell it that way doesn't mean it's correct. My second-grade teacher tried to teach our class that "probably" was spelled "p-r-o-P-a-b-l-y." My mom corrected it on my spelling homework and wrote polite note to my teacher correcting her. Point: teachers are not always correct.
Mercy Xmas to you. I wonder why Rudolph has a pistol down the side of his nose.... help.....
Merrychrist Mas to you! ~ Robyn
Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas! Thanks for the gift ever. Better even then the bottle of hot sauce I really did get this morning.
It was from my 5 year old so I have to forgive it a bit (her dad was with her tho) LOL
And a
Happy Hollday
Season Greeting
Merychrist Mas
Happe Holidey
Mercy Xmas (with a constipated reindeer)
To you too...and I hope that we
Let it's snow and maybe Santa Clause will officiate when you Marry Christnos!
Now I'm convinced. Chain store bakeries are clearly outsourcing their cake decorating to China.
If it said Holladay, I could make a Utah joke, as I live just north of a city by that name.
Generic Non-offensive Midwinter Salutation to all!
(Someday I'm going to order that on a cake just to see what I end up with.)
Ha, not only does Rudolph look like he's holding in a load, but he himself actually resembles Mr. Hanky more than any reindeer I've ever seen!
These cakes make me want to become a decorator. Why am I working in an industry where my good spelling is going to waste?
Oh well MarryChrist Mas to all (I wonder if this one is because the root of the word is "Christ Mass"?)
A blessed Yule to you Jen! Thanks for bringing laughter into my life each and every day. Here's to a new year filled with wrecks that will make everyone giggle with delight!
Marry "ChRist Nos" to you too Jen! Rudolph looks like he's trying to keep his stomach from bursting due to noshing to much!
the cookie cake was so close to being right. the 'e' looks like an after thought.
merry Christmas!
(add liberal pinch of punctuation and stir)
I love it!
Merry Christmas!!!
The sad thing is, if the decorator could just spell most of these would be perfectly acceptable cakes. Not the reindeer cake- that will always be tacky.
Merry Christmas!! My 4 yr old daughter was looking at these with me and saw the Rudolph holding poo and goes "Mommy! Look! It's Scooby!"
I live in Canada and we spelled it without the "e". Must be like my married name. I tell everyone there is no e because e's cost money and we're the poor relations.
Thanks for the laugh. I think the snowman is cute. Rudolph, I've seen deer like that before. During hunting season, tied to the front of a vehicle.
wvotd quadow. "is when you hit a sore spot 4 get quad ow's."
It wasn't a poo that I thought the reindeer was holding...
Merry Christmas to you Jen, and thank you for giving me a laugh everyday.
There's a grocery store near me with a lot of holiday decorations sprayed on the windows. One of them says "Seasons Gretings!"
Word verification: pestsher. What you tell the kids after you've had one too many cups of 'cheer'. "Hey, now, don't pestsher me so mush!"
Thanks for taking time out of your christ MAS Hollday to give us our daily fix :)
We went to a friends house tonight, when they opened the box store cake I made everyone wait so I could do a close inspection. I had to make sure it was not wreck worthy. It was just your basic, poorly done ( albeit delicious) box store cake. No major wrecks.
Those cakes are are too precious.
By the way, I`m Canadian and have never seen it spelt as Santa Clause.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
@Canadian, please don't think this is a Canadian spelling. I'm also Canadian, and I was never taught to spell "Santa Claus" with an "e" on the end, however there IS a completely different word spelled "clause".
I'm totally using Merrychrist Mas from now on!
Merry Christmas to you, no cake, but I ate plenty.
After all the christMAS treats I've eaten today, I'm afraid I look (and feel) like poor Rudolph.
Gad, that is one scary reindeer.
Hope everyone had a happy day!