In So Many Words...

Today's Wrecks speak for themselves. Or at least attempt to.
I find myself wishing this said "holladay", just so I could work in a lame Gwen Stefani reference. But since I'm just a girl (in the world), I guess I'll leave that up to you guys.
Now that's a stingy well-wisher.
What's worse: making this cake, or serving it to all your employees at the company Christmas party?
Ignorance can be beautiful. Unless of course this snowman is named "Happe", and belongs to someone named "Holidey".
"Mercy" is right; get a load of what Rudolf is holding!
[singing] "I'll have a POO Christmas, without youuuu..."
Careful; buying this cookie "cake" may enter you into a binding legal contract.
And lastly, an oddly emphatic proposal:
Christnos, you sly dog, you, I bet you get this cake for all the girls. [wink]
In case these failed to get the message across: Merry Christmas, all. May your day be sweet and utterly wreck-less .
Many thanks to holiday Wreckporters Jenn S., Irene D., Bergen W., Todd T., Abby, Jennifer L., Jessica C., and Angela M.!
Reader Comments (79)
Okay I gotta say it... for any of you on Facebook who play Pet Society - that reindeer TOTALLY looks like he's holding PS poops!! I can almost see it doing that wiggling/bouncing thing! lol
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
thank you for the hugest laugh!! :)
Merry Christmas, and thanks for all the laughs!
or is that "laugh's"...
I'd like to marry Christnos too, ktnxbai. ;-)
LOVE these!
Word verification: tylece. Definition: Medication one must take after seeing cake wreck after cake wreck.
Please pass the tylece!
Oh, your blog brings me so much joy this time of the year! Marry Chrisnos to you, too!
Am I the only one who thinks that the first cake says: "Harry Hollday?", with it's somehow distorted Ps???
Merry Christmas, and thanks to Jen for this great blog!
I would like to thank you for your contribution to my children's education. As homeschoolers, we're always looking for learning opportunities and today's spelling lesson was hysterically funny!!!
LOL in regard to the last one, a friend sent out a text yesterday that said "marry christmas"... and I looked at my hubby and said, "Why would I marry Christmas? I'm already married!" and then we both laughed.
Idk it was funny yesterday.
What is up with those cookie cakes? Do you think they are as bad as cupcake cakes?? Hmmm, nope.
I picture Christnos as this strangely overweight Ukrainian with enough oil in his hair to grease Santa Clause's sleigh. Pretty demanding, isn't he?
PS Happy Hollday!
I like how the "e" was ADDED to Claus.
It was correct and, *then* it got wrecked !
heee hee
Swantent - the intent to be a swan
In the "Happe" cake, you forgot all about the apostrophe in "Holiday's"!!! Too much eggnog? :)
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!!! My five year old niece can spell and punctuate better than that and she can hardly write her own name! AAAAAARGH!!!!!!
I *love* your caption on the Marry Christnos cake! I laughed for about ten minutes. Poor guy- has to ambush women with cakes 'cause he's so desperate...
It looks like the Santa Claus one was correct to begin with and the wreckorator second guessed him/herself. (which is hilarious) Maybe because of the movie starring Tim Allen, "The Santa ClausE".
I'm so excited that you used our "Marry Christnos" cake!
It was halarious to see in on here.
Thanks for all the laughs!
So, I once taught 9th graders who were to write in their journals daily. One student once spelled happy, "happey". Upon seeing the snowman cake my husband commented that I was wrong about my students not being very least that kid got a job.
MerryChrist mas?
That's Spanish, right? For, um, "MerryChrist more?"
I am not sure rudolph is holding's look like he is holding something else though...
I hate it when people spell Santa Claus with an "e". That movie ruined holiday orthography.
OK, sorry to comment so long after this was posted, but the caption under the "Marry Christnos" cake just made me laugh so hard I snorted KD into my nose.
know what the really sad part is? most CHILDREN know how to correctly spell these phrases. as in elementary school :/
word verification: gomax
lmao must be some new kind of laxative
WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU???????????????????????
On the first cake, I will have to say canned apple pie filling isn't too disastrous. The way she went about it, however, is a whole other story.
Apple pie filling can actually make a very nice cake center as well, provided it's mashed and you add about 1/3 cup of cinnamon. With a spice cake and buttercream, it's absolutely delicious.
Whoops, bit off topic there. Anyways. Funny as always, Jen. :)
It looks like Rudolph is constituted of poo and is holding in his hernia. Did I spell that right? hyrneria? hyrnia? hernia? whatev.
lol The Rudolph cake...that's enough to scar a kid for life. Imagine waking up to that on Christmas morning. Waw! xx
In the cookie cake, I see a subliminal message. Santa Clause x
Actually, I think the "Mercy" could just be the decorator's odd cursive. However, that STILL doesn't explain the constipated reindeer.
Am I the only one who thinks it looks like the Santa Clause mittens actually says Santa Clausex? The Santa mitten has 3 little lines on the side for decoration, and the Clause one does too, but also an X is snuck in there. It's like they tried to get away with something naughty, no?