
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Maximum Irony Has Now Been Achieved

Yep, it's a Fail Cake Fail.

Jen G., I used to think the shorter the word, the harder it was to screw up. Thanks for ruining another one of my theories.

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Reader Comments (153)

Technically, that would be a meta-fail.

November 18, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterrocketride


Well, actually, if you're really curious what all that black food coloring would do inside the body, it actually would never really make it into the bloodstream. The useful stuff? I don't know. But, if you have a whole bunch of food coloring, you will get immediate indigestion from it, and, more specifically, you will either vomit it all out, or, if you've managed not to do that, feel the pain of having it "express shipped" down to your colon, where it will be evacuated via diarrhea.

December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterWell, actually...

This is actually my cake! Omg I just saw it as a suggestion under some random post. I havent seen this picture since I originally submitted it. Allow me to regale you with the story behind this masterpiece of horrible.

I had just met my s.o. a few short months before. We had geology together. The man knows his rocks. Anyway, we were just friends at the time, hadn't even started dating and then one day we had the genius idea of an epic April fools joke. We decided that for the entire month of April we would trick a group of our friends into thinking we were secretly engaged.

I had a super cheap ring from Walmart, like $8 cheap. The plating had flaked off and it would turn you green in less than an hour, but it sparkled like crazy. So I wrapped some yarn around it and came up with a lame "needed resized" excuse and was pretty sure none of those guys would notice. We told them we were engaged on April 1st and they werent even skeptical. Only one of them questioned it at all and that was just to point out that we'd only known each other for a couple months and were we sure. They bought it hook, line, and sinker. It was like we told them and it totally made sense to them. All was right in the world.

As the month wore on, we couldn't believe they just accepted our totally weak story without a second thought. We still weren't even dating at this point. So we decided to end the month of April with an engagement party. That happened to include this particular cake. Ordering this beast was a nightmare. Our local Walmart bakery lady had apparently never heard of the internet and thus had no sense of humor, creativity, or daring adventure.

I ordered a solid black cake, all buttercream, none of that airbrushing over white nonsense. I wanted it awful. I knew perfectly well what all that black icing would do to anyone that ate it. I wanted a monument to their unquestioning acceptance of an obvious, half-baked lie; a testament to their complete failure. Bakery lady did not understand.

First, she spent almost 20 minutes explaining that I did not want a black cake. No, I was wrong. I wanted something pink for my engagement party, she just knew it. And I don't think she had ever heard the word "fail" because she acted like I was speaking Swedish. When I told her I wanted it spelled incorrectly, I think she may have actually had a stroke. She genuinely did not understand what I meant by intentionally spelling a word incorrectly. And I mean that in its most basic concept. If I had even tried to explain the pop-culture references behind it, her head would have *actually* exploded.

Finally, after a grueling 45 minutes or so, I got her to agree to do the solid black buttercream and misspelling. Since she was having such a hard time with that, I told her to just scramble the letters in the word rather than spend another 20 minutes trying to explain the alphabet to her. This is what we picked up 2 hours later for our party that evening. Magnificent, even with bakery lady being the slowest on earth. Truthfully, she had such a hard time with the concept of this cake, I was expecting much worse.

Anyway, the guys show up, we give them their epic fail cake and they still don't realize the joke. They were so invested in the idea that we were engaged that we had to spell it out to them that we had been lying and it was all a big prank. They refused to believe us, even when we explained that we weren't even a real couple. They eventually accepted that we had pulled a pretty good one on them but that as far as they were concerned we were still engaged lol. And then they ate every bit of that cake. The whole thing. Our friend Bill ate the roses in one bite. It was truly revolting to watch. The had black teeth for a solid 2 day and I had the misfortune of hearing several play-by-play bowel movement stories. T.M.I.

I guess in the long run, though, the joke was on us because the guys were right about us in a way... We weren't even a real couple during the entire fake engagement, but we ended up actually getting married just a year and a half later. They all said "I told you so" to us at our wedding. Our 6 year anniversary is this October and we have a 1 year old daughter. Who could have possibly known that a lame April fools joke and a truly horrendous cake would have such a huge impact on a life? But anyway, yeah. That's the story behind the fail cake.

August 13, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterformerly Jen G.

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