Heart Expressions

When it comes to matters of love, expressing ourselves can sometimes be difficult. How do you tell that special someone how you really feel? What words will convey the depth of your affection?
And how the heck do you spell "Valentine's Day", anyway?
Well, screw it. Maybe we should just stick to the easy stuff. You know, like "I love you".
Ok, fine. How about something a little different, like "Sweet Nothings"? Eh?
You long-time readers already know of my penchant for puns, so obviously my tolerance of the whole "Bee Mine" and "I Love Ewe" thing is pretty high:
However, someone needs to tell these decorators that if you're going to engage in this kind of punnery, you might want to include the bee:
'Cuz otherwise you just look a bit like an idiot.
Still, not all mistakes go poorly. This one actually resulted in an unintentional compliment when Stephen's girlfriend bought it for him:
Heheheh. Obviously it would be far less flattering for a girl, though, so you guys be careful when ordering at the bakery this week.
Jennifer T., Christina H., Olivia, Hallie S., Alice T., Lauren P., Nicole B., & Stephen H.: I'll admit it: I wuv you all.
Reader Comments (84)
Oh man.
I thought I was sad to be alone on Valentine's Day.
Now I'm just glad I don't have to eat any of those!
Bee mine, Jen?
ValenTENIS- rhymes with pen... er venus. That's probably as romantic as my husband gets!
Monique D.
That bee one is actually pretty cute.
I laughed out loud several times on this post. "Huge me"--priceless! Thanks for the good laughs.
"Huge Me" hahahahaha. That's great.
I think that first one says "Valentinis" - Valentines Martinis? Count me in!
LOLOLOL @ huge me. Nobody likes a braggart, dude.
Well, at least the bee is cute. The rest of them are just garbage...
~Colleen (cyberrblue.wordpress.com)
Those is HILARIOUS! My personal favorite is the last one--love the commentary, too. Someone please, Huge Me!
Boy that last cake could sure be an ego boost for men everywhere. :)
For the first one Valitenis sounds a bit like a sport...maybe they got it confused with tennis because there's loves in both? (nyuk nyuk)
No woman in her right mind would eat as much of a crumb from a cake labeled "huge me".
Really? They couldn't spell HUG? Goodness! Turns out to still be a pretty funny cake.
The third cake makes me feel itchy, for some reason.
Valentenis--sounds like a really nasty disease.
Spelling aside, the roses and lettering on #2 were certainly red!
I love Bee mine--with the bee, but it didn't quite do anything for me with pink and blue stripes.
I know, I know, I'm a old grouch cause nobody will send me a cake on "Valentimes" day.
That's why I am sticking to making Friday the 13th cupcakes this year.
That heart with the sweet was just being cute. Get it... sweet on a heart cake = sweetheart! LOL Still lame. Sad sad valentines day cakes.
Too Funny!
I think the "E" on HUGE was an after thought--it is spaced a bit more than the other letters and also it looks like it was centered well before the "E" was added.
Maybe the baker was correct and someone came along and said "You forgot the silent 'E' on Hug" HA, HA!
I must say since we always get such a great bunch of errors, it takes a lot more to make me laugh.
HUGE ME has made my morning!
Thank you!
The incapability of cake wreckerators never ceases to amaze me! This was a LOL post all the way!
Hilarious! The first one is almost a combination of "Valentines" and "Veterans". Maybe a new holiday we don't know about?? :)
Is it just me or does #3 kinda look like a "J" instead of in "I".
" J love u? "
Just need to send all of the mistakes off to the Biggest Loser camp, they'll finish em off and still lose 5 pounds!
http://gifoftheday.blogspot.com/" REL="nofollow">Daily funny gif posts
Love this blog!
I really needed the laughs this morning!! Thanks!!
At first I actually thought that first one said "Happy Veteran's Day".
WV: keses--Hugs & keses everyone!!
One more reason to hate this holiday. No, wait...these cakes actually make me appreciate Valintine's/Valentenis Day a little better.
The "J Love V" CCC is quite fugly and almost burns the retina. (Although, maybe my eyes spontaneously catching fire might not hurt so much...)
Love the "Huge Me" cake and I agree - would go very, very badly if given to a girl.
On the "G Heart V" cake--what if Greg loves Vanessa? Or Gale loves Victor? Heck, what if Greg loves Victor?
There is nothing better than misspelled Wrecks!! These are some of the BEST!
The more I read this blog, the less I want to risk having a professional cake made. You brighten my life.
Love the bee, but Valentenis? Won't go there.
Huge Hugs would work.;-)
~Amy B
Huge Me... for the girlfriend named ALICE (who is now WONDERing where in the LAND you got that from). :)
Attack of the extra E's!!!!!
The "Bee Mine" cake with the pink border does have bees on it.
Larval bees: http://tinyurl.com/bnhwq7
...pink, and white, and orange larval bees.
...on sticks.
Okay, I really tried to give this cake the benefit of a doubt, but it's just not working.
Now there's an idea for wht to give my husband.
aaww i love that little Bee one! Too cute
Oh my goodness....
HUGE ME....too funny.
Toriisen---I thought the same thing....maybe it was supposed to be shorthand for " Jen loves Ulysses"....
[but then we got that whole missing "s" problem to worry about.....]
Nope, it's a wreck, all right....
LOL. My thoughts exactly, Megan.
If you read that first cake as "Valen-tennis" visually inserting an extra "n" then the whole tennis/love thing makes sense. I didn't even consider the word that rhymes with Venus. If I'm lucky I'll just get a dozen roses instead of a cake for Valentine's. Although the roses (real ones) aren't nearly as funny...Huge Me....my husband would get that one for himself.....and I'd be horking cake out of my nose.
lmao at Huge Me with the suggestive looking G.
The last one's alright for me.
(c by the age of thirteen)
I like it.
Nothing says Valentenis Day better than purple stripes and baby blue lettering!
"Happy Valetenis Day! Hopefully by getting you this cake, I'll get to use my peni...."
The I (or G) Love V cake reminded me of that old TV show about aliens called "V" ... so maybe it's a cake for an alien.
Or maybe it's just ugly. ;)
Huge Me. Gotta be the best Freudian slip ever.
The second to last cake is my absolute favorite. Even with the extra e on the end. Maybe it's just because it's in my favorite color, or because I'm just hungry for something sweet, but I do like it anyway.
Hilarious and sadly true. My last name is Valentine, and my credit report has at least 6 different incorrect spellings. I dont understand why its such a hard word for some people.
I like the one that reads "Sweet." Next to it was another cake that read "Delicious" and another that read "Chocolate."
I appreciate descriptive cakes so nobody is surprised by what they're eating.
Jen, you make me laugh everyday! Thank you!
Bee mine...lol.
Wow, I guess I didn't realize how many boneheads there actually are in the world. Thanks for reminding me.
My favorite..."Huge Me"....too funny!
Huge Me made me cackle out loud.
A single guy could just buy a dozen or so of those cookies and hand them out at a bar. One of them is bound to garner success.
valetenis... maybe a little subliminal message there?
Now, I have a friend, Belinda, to whom we lovingly refer as "Bee" so she would LOVE the "Bee Mine"
Thanks for yet another great blog!
Oh and Happy "VD"