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What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: An Ostentation of Peacock

I recently stumbled across a gaggle of peacock cakes... Gaggle? No, that's not right. {Googling...}

I recently stumbled across a muster of peacock cakes that were too beautiful not to share with the world. I also learned that there are a lot of interesting words that mean "a lot." Lets explore both, shall we?

This peafowl has quite the colony of tail feathers:


Beautiful elegance in a modern design.

This cluster of tail feathers is much more classical:



I really love the bushel of...uh...talent on display here:




And the hand-painted trees and tail are really fantastic.




By Ron Ben-Israel



This profusion of posies makes the perfect perch for a pretty peacock.



The gold detail in this litter of feathers is just enchanting:


By Highland Bakery


And the peacock is white chocolate! Mmmmmm... peacock.


Now for some abstract beauties.

The parcel of hand-drawn lines on this modern design is so intricate:



I want to throw this into an episode of Mad Men where they do a commercial for NBC.


This wedding cake doesn't have the skein of feathers that the other cakes do...


By One of a Kind Cakes

...but I love the sparing use of peacock detail.


The plethora of mosaic tiles here really sets this bird apart...



...and the cackle of tail feathers is abstractly beautiful.

This trio of cakes showcases some stunning Mehndi designs:




That peacock is pure beauty.


I'm totally in love with this wedding cake:



The menagerie of metallics is stunning.

And finally, just wait until you see the coterie of tiers this next cake has to offer:


That's a blown-sugar peacock on top. Let's take a closer look:


So frilly and delicate, it's more beautiful than a kaleidoscope of butterflies. (Yes, that's really what you call a group of butterflies. Awesome, right?)


Have a Sweet to suggest? Then e-mail it to us at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.


Sunday Sweets: Cartoon Cakes

Time for some heroes in a half shell!

By Lena's Designer Cakes

Cowabunga, dudes!

Ok, raise your hand if you saw the movie in the theater. As a teenager. With your mother.

What? Just me?

Ok, then, how about a Scooby Snack?

By crazebake cakes and cupcakes

That is fondant-free, my friends! Fondant-free, and fantastic.

This next cake is to make up for our Gummi Bears earworm post the other week:

Actually, that's a lie; I'm about to stick the song in your head again. (Brace yourself.)

Guuuummi Beeears!
Bouncing here and there and EV'rywhere!
High adventure that's beyond COMpare!
They are the Gummi Bears!

Here's a sweet detail shot, before all the figures were added:

Sub'd by Emily, and made by Liz of Artisan Cake Company (who gets special props for having an amazing airship/steampunk themed website. Love it!) Click the link for lots more great detail shots.

I know we weren't all raised on the great cartoons of the 80's and 90's, though, so here's one of them new-fangled shows, the Backyardigans:

(Baker unknown. Help me out?)

And from Invader Zim, here's an adorable GIR cake:

Submitted by Sonya P., made by Paula French (with help from Liz of Artisan Cake Company)

He loves tacos, methinks. Perhaps too much.

Another show I've never watched, but that seems to get the gosh-durned cutest cakes, is Yo Gabba Gabba:

By Alessia of Free Spirit Cake Co.

Someday I'm getting the toy yellow robot from this show, and you can't stop me.

It gets even better, too: check out these life-sized versions:

Sub'd by Justin G., made by Karren's Specialty Cakes

Actually, I'm just guessing on the "life-sized" part. Are they supposed to come up to your shins? And more importantly, does anyone mind if I hug the green mop guy? Yes? No?

Ok, enough kiddie cartoons. How about a little Futurama?

This is reader Denise G.'s wedding cake, y'all. Her WEDDING CAKE. (Denise, I believe my invitation must have been lost in the mail...)

Here's another shot:

And we can't forget the teensy little wedding cake between Fry and Leela:

(The figures are vinyl toys.)


And finally, let's end with everyone's favorite beer-guzzling slob:


The details here are just mind-blowing: look at the tiny books! And the tiny phone! And the giant, half-eaten donut! :D

Btw, I believe Erin is still recovering from an accident that severely injured one of her hands some months back. So Erin, we wish you all the best, and hope you're back to blowing our minds very, very soon!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com!