
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: Eastern Elegance

As you may know, Jen and I are at Dragon*Con this weekend, which means we are geeking out with the geekiest geeks in all of geekdom. Which is exactly why today's Sweets are the most elegant, Eastern-inspired cakes we could find. (See, I'm actually having nightmares about being chased through cavernous hotels by roving packs of storm troopers in kilts. Which is not only possible, but actually likely.)

So, onward and upward!

One of the things I most admire about Eastern tradition is the art of Henna, which works amazingly well on cake. Check it out:

By The Evil Plankton

I absolutely love the detail. And the elephants. (Which are edible.) But really, who doesn't love elephants? I mean, think about it. When is the last time you saw an elephant that wasn't doing something absolutely lovable? See? Never!

Look closely. See how the chocolate is glass smooth on the top? No way to scrape off a whoopsie here!

By Mahutch

The bead work on this is fantabulous.

Hey, speaking of elephants... This cake was actually called the Ganache Ganesh. [Badump bump!]

And for a little bit of structural goodness...

By I Dream of Cake

You can never go wrong with cobalt blue and gold. Beautiful.

Next, going a little further East for inspiration:

By Pattykakes

I love the texture on this cake. It's so... fabricy. (not entirely sure that's a word)

Some fabulous hand-painting:

And a fabulous fan:

A Kimono-inspired beauty:

And a tiara:

By Pink Cake Box

Finally, we were invited by the lovely folks at Highland Bakery to stop by while we're here in Atlanta, but I don't think we're gonna make it. Which is a shame, because they do stuff like this:

By Highland Bakery


Yeah, I think we'll have to come back here some day.

Well, there it is! Next week we may be fully recovered from geek overload, so we'll probably do something really geeky with, I don't know, gears or capes or something. Until then, please send your nominations and ideas to sundaysweets (at) And Wreck On!


Sunday Sweets: The Anti-Nerd

Recently Jen and I have been informed that we put up too many nerdy Sweets. Being the big ol' nerds that we are, we hadn't really noticed. I suppose it's kinda like telling your local undertaker he wears too much black.

So, in order to cater to the needs of the many NON-nerds who read this blog, we've decided to push up our taped glasses, strap in to our Authentic Star Trek TOS Captain's Chair Replicas, and dig deep into our archives for the least... nerdy... cakes... ofalltime. [<-- my Kirk impression]


A teapot:

By Fantasticakes

Because nerds only drink Red Bull.*

A sandwich:

By The Cake Gallery

Because sandwiches are for jocks.*


By The Cake Mamas

Because nerds don't need makeup while playing StarCraft II in the dark.*

A birdhouse:

By Whimsy Cakes

Because seeing birds - or their houses - would mean leaving the comfort of our computer caves.*

Lady bugs:

By Alana Hodgson

Okay. This might be slightly nerdy.


By Sweet Stuff Cake Art

See "birds."

Toast and other homemade foods:

By The Icing on the Cake

Because nerds don't make their food. Other people do that.*


By Love To Cake

No reason. I just thought we needed a turtle in this post.

A banana:

By Kahlan4

Because they require far too much effort for us nerds to eat.
Give me an automatic banana peeler and we'll talk.

And finally, what might be the most mind-blowing cake I have ever seen in my entire life:

By Will Cotton

It's like someone built a Large Hadron Collider smack in the middle of a bakery, and it spawned a black hole which sucked all the cake toward the center of the room and someone snapped a picture just before the entire earth was sucked in and all of humanity as we know it met its dooooom!

[pushing up glasses]

But it's totally NOT nerdy.

So, there you have it. Next weekend Jen and I will be at Dragon*Con (watch Twitter to find us & win prizes!), so it's probably safe to assume that there may be a nerd cake or three. Prepare thyself!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the entire nerd community and may only apply to the author of this post, john (the hubby of Jen), who likes to refer to himself in the third person. Which is quite nerdy, if you think about it.