
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets to Put a Spring in Your Step

Today is the first day of Spring! Time to celebrate all the verdant vivaciousness of the season with a charming cornucopia of fabulous flowers!

Meaning lots of daisies.

Submitted by Katrina S. and made by Too Nice to Slice

Haha! Those really *are* daisies. Gotcha.

And here's a sweet spring shower of miniature daisies:

Yellow and white are so cheerful and springy together, don't you think?

For this next one you might wonder why I'm showing you a shelf full of potted flowers...

...but believe it or not, those pots are cake, and the flowers are handmade from sugarpaste.

Of course, real flowers can be equally Sweet. Here's one of my favorites:

Baker unknown - anyone recognize it?

I love the colors! And that harlequin pattern is one of the smoothest I've ever seen.

And here's one of the best support columns I've ever seen:

Submitted by Promise W.; made by Sugarland

Gorgeous! I would guess it's made from gumpaste, so you could display it as a memento afterward. I love pieces like that; as a baker, it makes you feel your work isn't completely temporary.

[Update: Eagle-eyed reader Jim A. just pointed out the column is actually this resin cake stand. Now I feel silly. It's still a gorgeous cake, though!]

This one reminds me of ivory cameos:

The soft colors are dreeeamy.

This one, too, if you have topsy-turvy dreams:

Sub'd by Vanessa M., made by Ron Ben-Israel (?)

Or, if you're feeling a little blue:

Sub'd by Lauren S., made by Continental Pastries

Imagine the time it took to make each of those little flowers! And I love the textured icing here; sometimes the smoothness of fondant is just a little too modern.

And finally, let's go out with a bang.

Meaning more daisies.


I mean, I know this was for a pair of one-year-olds, but a thirty-something can have one, too, right?


Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.


Sunday Sweets: Double Dose

You're in for a treat today, guys; I've got a special double-feature Sweets for you!

First, a little luck o' the Irish:

By Debbie Does Cakes

Now that's a rockin' shamrock.

And these little clover cookies are pure gold:

I love the technique used for drawing the clovers: you drop three dollops of liquid green icing into the white, and then draw a pin or toothpick through to give them the classic heart shape. Aren't they just perfect?

This neck-less Leprechaun made me grin:

And I still have a hard time believing this one is actually cake:

Submitted by Snow W. and made by Cakes by Design

Of course, everyone knows the rainbow has to end in the pot of gold:

By For the Love of Cake

And here's some fondant-free fun:

By The Dairy Berry

This one, too!

Also by The Dairy Berry

Check out that "foam" on top: amazing!

And finally, a wee tiered beauty:

By Ava Sweet Cakes


Ah, but we're not done yet! Since I haven't featured any Mardi Gras Sweets, here are a few masquerade beauties to make up for it:

Pretty paisley.

By Small Things Iced

Gooorgeous. And the mask and flower on top are sugar paste!

This one was spotted at the "That Takes the Cake Show" in Austin:

Photo by Amanda SG, made by Daniel Keadle

Such a cool design: it was split down the middle!

I always love color, but sometimes an all-white design really lets the detail shine through:

By Black Flour

Beautiful. The mask is also made from gumpaste, and would you believe those lower feathers are cut from rice paper?

And finally, hold on to your hats, 'cuz yes, this really is cake:

By Highland Bakery

There are no words. Just "WOW."

Hope you enjoyed your double dose of Sweets, all!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.