Sunday Sweets to Put a Spring in Your Step

Today is the first day of Spring! Time to celebrate all the verdant vivaciousness of the season with a charming cornucopia of fabulous flowers!
Baker unknown - anyone recognize it?
I love the colors! And that harlequin pattern is one of the smoothest I've ever seen.
And here's one of the best support columns I've ever seen:

[Update: Eagle-eyed reader Jim A. just pointed out the column is actually this resin cake stand. Now I feel silly. It's still a gorgeous cake, though!]
This one, too, if you have topsy-turvy dreams:
Sub'd by Vanessa M., made by Ron Ben-Israel (?)
Or, if you're feeling a little blue:
Imagine the time it took to make each of those little flowers! And I love the textured icing here; sometimes the smoothness of fondant is just a little too modern.
And finally, let's go out with a bang.
Meaning more daisies.
I mean, I know this was for a pair of one-year-olds, but a thirty-something can have one, too, right?
Reader Comments (64)
OMG those are the cheeriest cakes i've ever seen :)
Love the one with the support column you could keep. I made gumpaste calla lilies for a cake once and my MIL kept them. She still has them 2 years later!
Gorgeous! The flowers look so real! So happy spring is finally here!
The calendar lies. I still have like two feet of snow in my front yard. At least these cakes cheered me up! As long as I don't go outside, it's Spring in my mind.
I love Daisies!!!
The "cameo" strikes me as the prettiest -- subtle, classy, and I love lily of the valley.
And those plants in pots are phenomenally realistic.
Thanks, as ever, for sharing these with us.
wv - aught.
I aught to be cleaning the hause, but I thaught I'd rather give a thauraugh look at Cake Wrecks!
My dad and I still have the gumpaste flower bouquets off of his wedding cake 13 years ago. Him for sentimental reasons, me for cake decorating inspiration.
Of course you can have that last cake Jen, just put a 2 in front of the 1 ;) I'm in love with the corset type tier on the white and green topsy turvy one.
The one with the little bluish flowers that you said you liked the texture of the icing....take another look. That is piping.
That "Wedgewood" green cake with fern fronds and lilies-of-the-valley has gotta be today's Best of Show.
I want that last cake too! If you take the one off the top, no one will ever know. Hehehe
Wow. Love them ALL.
The yellow daisy cake is a picture of Martha Stewart's cake. The exact same one on her web site and book .
It's probably a good thing I'm already married, or I would be a demanding bride in the cake department. Gorgeous cakes! I can't decide which one I like best.
And loved the daisy reference!
mags, if you look at Martha's website, it attributes the cake to Gail Watson. It is the same cake, but it's attributed correctly here.
Since I don't frequent Martha Stewart's website, I'm glad to be able to appreciate it here. :)
Beautiful! Thw Wedgewood effect cake is stunning
Today's Sweets are the perfect antidote to that (not-really-a-wreck) Gerber baby cake!!! I too SOOOO WANT those daisy cakes for my next birthday--and I'm shamelessly in my forties!--but hey, after all, my name is also Daisy! (Thanks for the pretty name, mom!)
I love how the yellow one does such a good job of reducing the number of daises as it goes down, giving it a cascade effect and really making the daises focal points instead of a dump'o'flowers. One of the rarest skills in any craft is the ability to know when to stop, and that decorator has that down. Bravo.
And yes, a 30-something can want. :)
Gerbera and Margerites..not realy...proper Daisy is Bellis perrenis, the common european daisy a perenial grassland plant growing from a rhizome with a rossette of flat rounded leaves.
The Gerbera family of flowering plants(there is no such thing as a gerber)are a member of the sunflower family.
Marguerite's or ox-eye daisies are members of the chrysanthemum family.
but the cakes are lovely, (apart from the topsy turvey thing thats just grotesque..)
I sugest you go here for plant info
OMG those cake pots and sugarpaste flowers are incredble! Now I want to try that.... wonder if I could that with cupcakes...
WOW! All those cakes are amazing, but I'm especially in awe of the "flowerpots." So realistic! And the topsy-turvy cake is to die for!!
All right! I'm a Clara, and my name never shows up on anything--but now I get a daisy cake!
WV: Mative--With spring around the corner, the rabbits are particularly mative.
O M G.
That is all.
Gorgeous Sunday Sweets cakes!! This is one of my favorites! The flower pots are amazing!! Great post!
our weather not as spring-y, so those cheerful cakes much appreciated! good stuff, especially fond of the the cake with all the mini daisies.
Absolutely amazing.
Love them all!
I just love that last one! I don't think I could cut in to it!
I can't get over those potted flowers. I mean, those cakes that look like potted flowers. WOW.
And you're totally right about yellow and white. I don't even like yellow that much, but it's so alive and cheery!
WOW. So lovely. The flower pots were stunningly real, but I think my favorite is the muted green and ivory. Or the one with the little blue flowers. Seems like such a sin to eat them.
The topsy turvey cake belongs to Scott Clark Woolley.
I don't know about anyone else, but I want to see more of the blue and white cake behind the flower pots!!!
Can I just say that I look forward to the Sunday Sweets post EVERY week? These are just beautiful & make me forget the rainy craziness going on outside. Yay for spring, yay for Sunday Sweets & Cake Wrecks!
These are simply amazing!
Working in a florist for many years, I have to say I LOVE these photos! Would I refer you to a site for you spelled a flower wrong? Probably not.... if you were a famous floral designer I would understand....
Keep us the great work! Have a happy Sunday and lets hope that the Epcot level doesnt go to orange! I think we are still recovering from the King Cake episode! :)
That soft green "wedgewood" cake is absolutely gorgeous, stunning, awesome, wonderful! Makes me wish I had an occasion to order such a magnificent creation...
Love everyone of these.
I would love that last one for *my* birthday - and I'm 54. :-P Just gorgeous!
The first cake is so cute. I really like the detailing on the icing and the ladybugs...awesome!!
These are all beautifully done, but the flowerpot cakes are AMAZING! *round of applause* :)
these are great!!
whoops! Maybe if I had read a little bit more I would have saw that . It's one of my favorites either way.
Just so we're all clear.
There are a thousand websites which refer to them as Gerber daisies and a thousand that call them Gerbera. From what I understand, the genus is Gerbera, the common name is Gerber and either is fine. I would like to point out two things though.
They were discovered by a guy named Gerber so calling them Gerber daisies seems to make sense.
The genus of a rose is Rosa but everybody calls it a rose.
Now, is this really important enough to get upset over? The world is full of conflict and tragedy and we're arguing over an a.
I don't know.
Well said John!
They're all great, but I had to hold in a squee when I saw that last picture. Beautiful cakes!
Very impressive!
The Ron Ben-Israel cake was originally made for my wedding! He liked it so much he did the same cake in a different color scheme...I think it was for a magazine...might have been Martha Stewart's.
Here are two pix of my original cake.
The honeybees on that last one really put it over the top for me. So adorable!
Oh, how wonderful!! Thank you for posting my wedding cake - the white one with cascading blue flowers. That is indeed piping, not texture. :)
And, it was as delicious as it was beautiful!! Thank you, Jen & CW team. You made my day by posting my cake. :)
Daisies, daisies, EVERYWHERE!
I like the second cake, with the yellow icing and the little white daisies. It makes me so HAPPY!!!
Just to let you know, this newest post put a BIG SMILE on my face :)
I think the cake with the harlequin base has a floral top. I've got a florist friend who makes cakes with teensy flowers inserted in floral foam. and those flowers look like tiny green chrysanthemums.
Ahhh such pretty daisies. Makes me wish it felt like Spring here lol. So nice.