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What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: Wedding Wonders

Shaped and themed cakes are awesome, of course, but I still drool and dream over more traditional wedding cakes, too. After all, they've come a long way from just simple tiers with flowers - even the simple tiers with flowers!

Submitted by Ariadne, made by Sweet Life Patisserie

Love this SO MUCH.

And take a look at this amazing "fabric" pleating:

Sub'd by Joey S., made by Delectable by Su

Hard to believe those tufted pinwheels and embroidered borders are all sugar. It's so perfect!

And check out the string work on this engagement beauty:

Sub'd by Rachel, made by Hana of A Piece of Cake

I love the curls on the top tier, and the piping on the bottom lace collar and upper level strings is simply awe-inspiring. Skill like this always renews my faith in cake artistry. :)

Here's a sweet dress-inspired design:

Sub'd by Becky N., made by Jackie Nelson

Look at the design at the bottom of the skirt ruffles!

And how's this for a modern twist on a classic?

Sub'd by Tifany D., made by Elizabeth's Cakes

If you've never stacked or tried to support cakes in the shape of a ball before, let me assure you: it's hard. And all that detail! Totally swoon-worthy.

Another rounded design:

Sub'd by Emily T., made by See-Through-Silence

See that lace border on top? Someone piped that. Yeah. Respect!

And speaking of mad piping skills:

By Tom S. of The Cake Gallery

Whoah. This reminds me of the Victorian-themed Grand Floridian resort here in Orlando. Frills and bows and hand-piped lace, oh my!

Or, for a more modern touch:

Sub'd by Danielle L., baker unknown

This has been one of my favorite designs since before I even started CW. I love the swirls and the bold flowers.

Or, how about John's favorite?

Sub'd by Chrystal B., made by Sugarbelle Cakes


And finally, the cake that had me scooping my jaw off the desk:

Sub'd by Ashley D., made by Susan Trianos (aka Peecheekeeno)

That's all *cake*, guys. Look at that tufted tier in the middle. LOOK AT IT. Now, tell me: how the heck do they DO that? Not to mention the perfect corset lacing, the bows, the ruffles, the porcelain-perfect gumpaste roses...seriously, I think I could stare at this all day. Just. Gorgeous.

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.


Sunday Sweets: Heart Attack!

Do you Can you make that little growly noise in the back of your throat? Do you often talk like Antonio Banderas while wearing silk fencing pants? (More importantly, do they even make silk fencing pants?)

If so, then this post is for you.

But everyone else will probably like it, too.

And that's really saying something, guys.

By Little Bird Bakery

Finally, chocolate icing done right! Don't the swirls look like little bird nests?

With Valentine's Day being a more intimate holiday [rawr], we see lots of sweet mini-cakes for the occasion:

By CakeMyDay

Love the simplicity of those stripes.

By Rouvelee's Creations

This technique of overlapping the edge with a heart border is genius. GENIUS, I say.

Ack! So cute!

Here's a beautifully made version of Bakerella's box of chocolates cake:

By Ban Bakes - In Paris

And your Fondant-Free Sweet of the Week:

I'm told this is Francois the Skunk, but by any name, he's stinkin' adorable.
(See what I did there?)

Also adorable: Bubba's bubbly bumblebees:

Hey, they got it right!

The cake to mend broken hearts?

Or at least put a few stitches in them, anyway.

Every now and then I still have to explain to people that I don't hate cupcakes; I hate cupcake cakes. [ptooie!] However, this created a whole new misunderstanding when they started making those giant cupcake-shaped pans. Granted, most of the cupcake-shaped cakes I've seen are also pretty wrecky, but the form itself isn't the problem.

After all, there are still gems like this:

By gabby cupcakes

Seriously, check out the texture on the icing "icing." (Heh.) It looks like a gigantic spatula smoothed it on: just perfect!

And now some regular size cupcakes:

Also by gabby cupcakes

I'll take the owl and the center double heart, please.

Louise over at Cake Journal has long been one of my favorite bakers:

Everything she makes is sweet, simple, and absolutely flawless.
And I am so jealous.

And finally, a Sweet that reminds me of a cheery, old-fashioned carnival:

In a really good way, of course.

Now, who's ready [eyebrow waggle]...for love?

Or maybe a slice of cake?

Yep, right there with you. Pass the milk, please. ;)

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.