
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Food that's Bad for You, Disguised as...Food that's Bad for You

Some of you will think these are Sunday-worthy, but I find the concept of cake-as-greasy-meat-products just a wee bit wrecky. (And yes, that does make me a hypocrite: I confess I've made a pizza cake before.)

Here we have a nicely rendered cake-that-looks-like-a-corndog, wishing itself (or perhaps another corndog not pictured) a happy birthday. Um, my brain hurts just a little, Nicole E.
(Check out the
source for some nifty giant cakes-that-look-like-donuts.)

A lot of you have submitted various versions of the burger n' fries model:

Most of these are pretty well-done [smirk], but Sara B. points out that the greasy shine and red icing "ketchup" are, shall we say, less than appetizing.

Plus, Thomas M. shows us that there can be such a thing as too much realism:

Those are REAL sesame seeds on the icing bun there. Here's hoping they didn't get carried away and salt the "fries", too.

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum is Emily B.'s find:

On the plus side, no one will mistake this for an actual burger. On the negative side, no one will mistake it for a cake, either.

Nancy was kind enough to share her "yellow cake chocolate pizza CCC" find:

Crafting a triangle-shaped slice of pizza from round-shaped cupcakes? Yeah, that's a good call. And why is the "crust" made from poo swirls?

Here Mrs. L. found the lazy version: it's a little sparse on toppings.

Of course, given that the "meatballs" are just mounds of solid icing, I guess we should be grateful there aren't more toppings. The crust looks better on this one, too.

Continuing in the Italian vein, spaghetti cakes are also pretty popular, and often disturbingly realistic. There's a great CCC example over on Flickr, but since I like to stick to pro creations (as opposed to procreations) here on Wrecks, I borrowed Melissa's of Wild Cakes to show you:

Ingenious food impersonation? Or nefarious sugary impostor? You decide!

(Melissa, you let me know if you've changed your mind about that whole "use anything you want from my site" thing, k? And thanks for being such a good sport.)

Speaking of grease and sugar, there's always the ultimate in wrecky flavor combos: the Pork n' Tomato Stuffed Chocolate Iced Donut from Bompass & Parr. If you're starting a diet for the new year, I highly recommend you check that out. Your waistline will thank me.


Year of the Tongue?

Happy New Year, from a pig with the world's longest tongue:

Or I suppose it could be an ant-eater. Or a wild boar. Or an anthropomorphized vacuum cleaner.

Or, if you turn it THIS way, a Billy Goat wearing a balloon hat:

Heh, it's like an ink blot test. What do YOU see?*

Thanks and belated birthday greetings go to Amy C., who suffers from having a birthday between Christmas and New Years. Like many kids growing up with such a birth date, she never had a birthday cake of her very own. So last week, after years of waiting for someone else to buy her a cake, she decided to go out and just get it herself. [standing and applauding] Plus, she ALSO bought this cake - with no intention of eating it - solely to share with us here on Cake Wrecks. Now that's a Wreckporter.

Amy, you just keep wreckin' on with your bad self. And thanks for the reminder that life's too darn short to not buy your own birthday cake. Live it up this year, my friend, and enjoy that cake.

* You know, besides the obvious but not-so-creative pink elephant. ;)