
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Sunday Sweets: That Takes The Cake Part 1

This week, we're featuring some amazing cakes from That Takes The Cake, a show that took place in Austin last month. The theme of the show was Sci-Fi and Fantasy but we'll be showing you those cakes next week. For now, I thought we'd bring you some slightly more traditional beauties. All of the pictures are from Devrah's Flickr page (thanks Devrah!) but sadly, we don't know who any of the bakers are except for the first one. Please let us know if the cake is yours and we'll give you proper credit.

Let's start with this chocolate masterpiece:

Here's a close-up
This cake was made by Tammy Luckey who obviously rocks. And the stringwork? It was done off-site and driven to the show. Crazy awesome.

And this one is just adorable:

(Update: This amazing autumn cake was made by Carley King. You rock!)

If you take a close look at this, it looks like crewel embroidery. Totally unique:

And I think this is my favorite:

I think the shape on this one is really cool:

And finally, here's a preview of next week's Sweets:

Awww Yeeahh! See you next week!

Update: Apparently, today is Pie Day or something. It's the day when the people of Finland come together to celebrate the liberation of Flurnburg by hurling pies at one another and singing traditional fish-slapping songs. "Shlip, shlap. Shlip and shlap all day..." It really is majestic.



Et Tu, O-Town?

I feel I should prepare you in some way for today's Wreck.

Hm. Let's see...

Oh! I know. How about this:

Think of a place. A happy place.

A place where chocolate-dipped demon mummies can never, ever reach you - much less wrap you in their fudgy arms and squeeze the life-breath out of you.

Are you imagining that happy place? Are you there?

Ok, good.

You may now proceed.




Yes, it IS cake.

Forty six pounds of cake, to be precise, and fifty five pounds of chocolate ganache. It's a testament to the baker's skill that I could never get within arm's reach of this thing, for fear of it suddenly coming to life like in Night at the Museum.

Still, you've got to appreciate the humor of where they chose to start cutting:

"Hey, girl, you have one sweet piece of...[noticing onlookers]...uh...shoulder blade."

Thanks to Wreckporter Jessica Y., who featured it
here in her article for Orlando Weekly, and also to Paul J., the baker/sculptor, who's been an awfully good sport about all this.

In fact, you can check out progress shots of Paul sculpting the demon mummy (warning: a live model was used, & she's nekkid!) at his FB album here.