A Courageous Display

Bakers, your display cakes can really make or break your business.
So maybe stop putting your old shoes on them?
See, you want to fill your windows with friendly faces:
And endearing characters:
Not to mention keep it all looking delicious!
Make sure you have a variety of occasion cakes out, to show your artistic range:
And don't be afraid to show off a little technical prowess!
Maybe show a little support for a worthy cause:
No matter how misspelled or misplaced.
And hey, when all else fails, try throwing a blouse over it:
Thanks to Andrea A., Nat, Tiffany W., Camilla C., Colleen B., Anne B., Bonnie B., & Lisa for keeping that last one under wraps.
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Reader Comments (21)
Ah, the thin line between cakes that taste bad and just plain BAD TASTE.
Am I the only one that thinks that a cake (or cookie cake) may not be the best choice for the JDRF?
1) I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
2) This reminds me of the terrible miscasting of Elrond in the Lord of the Rings.
3) I've heard of sagging eyelids, but sagging eyes?
4) I guess this is one way to get a head, but I think the cake on the left makes me want to stay away from these bakeries and just go cold turkey.
5) Looks like someone took their happy pills.
6) Doesn't that cake just instill confidence in the baker's abilities? NOT!!!
7) I think I see the problem. If they use blue icing, something trips in their brain and causes the misspelling.
8) "Lift up my shirt to see my womb mate?" And people think my puns are bad?
I thought that the second one was a dwarf from Middle Earth...after a 300 year bender...
Tacky,tacky,ta--- HUH? "Models for cakes that we make on order"....what a novel idea. Do we get the cake, or the model...? (I'm trying my best to ignore the wispy-haired HEAD that I don't have the slightest idea what--....?)
=^-.-^= > P>S>LOL on the Wombat--I mean womb mate, , Mike! (Say that 2x fast?)
That's okay Models for Cakes, I really don't need any more sleep. Ever again.
That "Womb mate" cake is more than tacky; it's a hard sell....you light. (Get it? HUH? HUH?) (cellulite?)
Is that Dick Dysentery? The sign says "Don't Touch Consumption" which is a whole 'nother disease....
There may be trouble ahead
But while there's icing and cake pans
and old buttercrean
Let's look at cake wrecks and scream.
Before the bakers get back
Before they ask us to buy a cake
And while that beard tries to ooze
Let's try inedible shoes.
Soon, we'll go watch avatar
Leave photos in the car
And then, there might be no hair ahead
So while there's icing and cake pans and old buttercream
Let's look at cake wrecks and scream.
Maybe it's just me and I'm not seeing what you saw but #1 looks like it could be a Sunday cake.
Avatar meets Shrek?
I agree with EA - this cookie cake is certainly sending the wrong message - in more ways than one.
Isn't the second one a character from Avatar? It isn't bad, really.
OK, 2 questions
(I know, only 2? I think I've become desensitized.)
1). Never mind the hideous hairy head, what's that yellow nightmare next to it?
2). Lift my shirt to see WHAT Exactly?
@Jane Lewis, it would be a Sunday cake if any part of it was actually cake. Alas, someone was cleaning out their closet.
Aaghh! The white head on a stick with stringy hair is nightmare fuel!!!
Happy Baptism?
Not sure that's trite and formulaic enough, baker.
What was wrong with the spelling in the second to last cake? Let me use spell check
Juvinile->Juvenile (not a big mistake easy fix)
Diabetes->correct (huh I would think thatcs the word they got wrong)
Research->also correct though the a looks like a u
Foundation->and that one's correct too.
So the only spelling mistake was they spelled juvenile with an i instead of an e? Sounds like a common typo. From the way you worded it I thought all the words were misspelled.
Well at least the shoe on the first cake looks very realistic ! *squint* ...wait...
Didn't realize it was't cake.
Wow I think I would run away screaming from that bakery just seeing what the Duck Dynasty "cake" looked like lol.