In The Daze Of "Your"

It's National Grammar Day, everyone! A day when we, the grammar police, can correct our friends' Facebook updates, argue over the Oxford comma, and let our irritated snorts of disdain echo from the rooftops!
So today, I thought it might be fun to see how many misspellings and misuses of the word "your" I can show you before your head literally explodes.*
*Yes, literally. I once saw it happen during an argument over the word "alright."
Oooh, starting with a classic.
This one always smarts.
Or should I say, "dumbs?"
[self-righteous chuckle]
Now we're coming to the really dangerous, head-exploding stuff:
...the pain...
[clutching head and rolling on floor]
STOP!!! I can't take any more!!
Quick, someone show me an adorable misuse of an ordinal number!
Awww, look. It says, "Happy tooth birthday Lily!"
Crisis averted.
(Though technically, it's still missing a comma....)
Thanks to Toby H., Katy J., Trevor N., Anony M., Laura B., Anony 2, & Jennifer A. for helping us all get our grammar geek on.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (16)
<<eye twitches uncontrollably>>
And undoubtedly Lilly already has more than one tooth...
The two Ls in Lily were for the roman numeral II (2) ;-)
OW!! I feel like someone just rubbed fingernails across a chalk board or scraped a metal pan with a metal utensil, and for good measure ran a jackhammer for eight hours straight and I had no earplugs.
I get it. People work as cake decorators when they can't meet the high standards of McD's.
Wow. The best thing you can say about Elijah's cake is at least there's the correct number of letters after the apostrophe.
...Maybe the "your'er" was written in an Irish brogue.......
Bwah! You've got every wrongful variation I've ever seen of "your/you're" I've ever seen plus one I haven't. "Your'er" is a new one on me. I wonder if anyone has ever accidentally used "your" or "you're" in place of "yore?" For instance, "I long for the days of you're."
A child who has just turned two could still be growing their teeth in, especially the back molars, so if Lily had any of her teeth come in on or around her 2nd birthday, then that would literally be.a "tooth" birthday!
"your'er- er-ure "...sure. Have at it, peeps! Yu halve a batter chantch den I du! Idaho what to think any mower. =^-.-^=
Well; I thought I'd check in, but it seems YOURER COVerEDED... (yelling:."Aspirin--STAT!")
Not to worry. EliJah(sic) is probably a beginning reader. The scars won't last.
I have accidentally forgotten a letter while piping words I really do know, so I'm hoping that's the case with some of these. The other ones are just sad.
How I long for the days of yore, when cakes were real cakes.
So many cute cakes ruined by evil wreckerators who refuse to even use punctuation anymore lol. I started grumbling after the third cake and still am lol.
Nice nice nice